Mass Surveillance Begins at the Local Level. So Does the Resistance to It. Mass Surveillance Begins at the Local Level. So Does the Resistance to It.
Grassroots groups are leading the pushback against government spying.
Sep 27, 2018 / Andrew Tan-Delli Cicchi

Brett Kavanaugh and the Case of the Vanishing Rape Victim Brett Kavanaugh and the Case of the Vanishing Rape Victim
Long before the recent charges against him, we already had evidence of Kavanaugh’s disturbing lack of empathy for rape victims.
Sep 27, 2018 / Bruce Shapiro

California Ended Cash Bail—but May Have Replaced It With Something Even Worse California Ended Cash Bail—but May Have Replaced It With Something Even Worse
Racist algorithms and unlimited judicial discretion threaten to increase pretrial incarceration in California.
Sep 24, 2018 / John Raphling

The Little Yellow Sanctuary in the Shadow of ICE The Little Yellow Sanctuary in the Shadow of ICE
El Refugio has given the family members of immigrant detainees food, shelter, and assistance in a remote corner of Georgia.
Sep 10, 2018 / Anjali Enjeti

Demand an End to US Support for the War in Yemen Demand an End to US Support for the War in Yemen
You can also spread the word about a historic nationwide prison strike and attend a protest to demand the Senate reject Brett Kavanaugh.
Aug 21, 2018 / NationAction

To Fight Mass Incarceration, We Need to Decriminalize Trauma To Fight Mass Incarceration, We Need to Decriminalize Trauma
At Homeboy Industries, career, education, and mental-health services are creating a way out of poverty and violence.
Aug 20, 2018 / Robert Greenwald

‘An Eternal Night of Persecution and Death’: Activists Speak Out About Nicaragua’s Crackdown ‘An Eternal Night of Persecution and Death’: Activists Speak Out About Nicaragua’s Crackdown
Despite mass killings and newly authoritarian laws, a diverse opposition says the movement to oust Ortega is far from over.
Aug 17, 2018 / Maia Hibbett

The Dangers of Shunning ‘Bad’ Protesters The Dangers of Shunning ‘Bad’ Protesters
The narratives that painted Black Lives Matter activists as “violent” have turned into legislation that targets black people, leftists, and other marginalized groups.
Aug 14, 2018 / Erin Corbett and Elizabeth King

The Racist Right Retreats Behind Police Lines The Racist Right Retreats Behind Police Lines
This year’s Unite the Right rally was a flop, but participants could still rely on the cops.
Aug 13, 2018 / Brendan O’Connor

Breaking France’s Race Taboo Breaking France’s Race Taboo
A new generation of activists is trying to change the way France conceives of race.
Aug 10, 2018 / Karina Piser