Police and Law Enforcement

MGMT Andrew VanWyndarden performing at Coachella 2014

Music for Dark Times Music for Dark Times

MGMT and Poliça’s new albums offer songs of solace and alarm.

Mar 8, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Bijan Stephen

Chris Hayes: What Trump Means When He Says He’s ‘Strong on Crime’

Chris Hayes: What Trump Means When He Says He’s ‘Strong on Crime’ Chris Hayes: What Trump Means When He Says He’s ‘Strong on Crime’

Plus: Gary Younge on kids and guns and Michael Walzer on foreign policy for the left.

Mar 8, 2018 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

The Counterrevolution: Governing Our New Internal Enemies

The Counterrevolution: Governing Our New Internal Enemies The Counterrevolution: Governing Our New Internal Enemies

A domestic counterinsurgency model of government and policing is being imposed on American soil on US citizens and residents.

Feb 28, 2018 / Bernard E. Harcourt

return of debtor's prisons

Prosecutors and Judges Have Brought Back Debtors’ Prisons Prosecutors and Judges Have Brought Back Debtors’ Prisons

A new report details how easily you can be put in jail simply for owing a company money.

Feb 22, 2018 / David Dayen

(Bryan Cox / ICE via AP)

For Immigrants in Trump’s America, the Dystopian Future Has Already Arrived For Immigrants in Trump’s America, the Dystopian Future Has Already Arrived

Documented and undocumented, young and old, immigrants are being swept up throughout the country.

Feb 13, 2018 / Moustafa Bayoumi

Devin Nunes

The Nunes Memo Shows Real Problems With the FBI, but Not the Ones the GOP Thinks The Nunes Memo Shows Real Problems With the FBI, but Not the Ones the GOP Thinks

How FISA and the Patriot Act enable wide-ranging spying on Americans.

Feb 5, 2018 / David K. Shipler

Nicaragua Women's March

Why Is Nicaragua’s Homicide Rate So Far Below That of Its Central American Neighbors? Why Is Nicaragua’s Homicide Rate So Far Below That of Its Central American Neighbors?

It’s the revolution, stupid—which fostered innovative policing, along with the dedicated work of community organizers and women activists.

Feb 2, 2018 / Roberto Lovato

Forensic Science Put Jimmy Genrich in Prison for 24 Years. What if It Wasn’t Science?

Forensic Science Put Jimmy Genrich in Prison for 24 Years. What if It Wasn’t Science? Forensic Science Put Jimmy Genrich in Prison for 24 Years. What if It Wasn’t Science?

A special investigation reveals a disastrous flaw affecting thousands of criminal convictions.

Feb 1, 2018 / Feature / Meehan Crist and Tim Requarth


Was There Anything Actually True in Trump’s State of the Union? Was There Anything Actually True in Trump’s State of the Union?

Harold Meyerson on Trump, and Meehan Crist and Tim Requarth on phony forensics.

Jan 31, 2018 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Why Does Our Justice System Fight So Hard to Keep Innocent People Behind Bars?

Why Does Our Justice System Fight So Hard to Keep Innocent People Behind Bars? Why Does Our Justice System Fight So Hard to Keep Innocent People Behind Bars?

Mark Godsey was a “prosecutor’s prosecutor” who didn’t think there were any innocent people in prison. Then he began supervising his law school’s Innocence Project, and realized hi...

Jan 24, 2018 / Joshua Holland
