A Presidency on Drugs A Presidency on Drugs
The Trump administration makes the news cycle feel like a bad dose of amphetamines.
Dec 6, 2018 / Rebecca Gordon

New Cold War Dangers New Cold War Dangers
The Russian-Ukrainian military conflict in the Kerch Strait illustrates again how this Cold War is more dangerous that was its predecessor.
Dec 5, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Congress Takes a Critical Step Toward Reasserting Its War-Powers Control Congress Takes a Critical Step Toward Reasserting Its War-Powers Control
A Senate resolution to end US support for Saudi-led conflict in Yemen shows that the politics of war are finally evolving.
Dec 4, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

George H.W. Bush, Icon of the WASP Establishment—and of Brutal US Repression in the Third World George H.W. Bush, Icon of the WASP Establishment—and of Brutal US Repression in the Third World
Obituaries have transformed the terror that Bush inflicted, depicting it as heroism.
Dec 4, 2018 / Greg Grandin

It’s a Disgrace to Celebrate George H.W. Bush on World AIDS Day It’s a Disgrace to Celebrate George H.W. Bush on World AIDS Day
The 41st president’s “civility” hid the vast nature of American state violence.
Dec 1, 2018 / Steven W. Thrasher

Mueller Takes Aim, but Is Trump in Trouble? Mueller Takes Aim, but Is Trump in Trouble?
Why Russiagate’s new bombshells might not be that explosive.
Nov 30, 2018 / Aaron Maté

DNA Tests Make Native Americans Strangers in Their Own Land DNA Tests Make Native Americans Strangers in Their Own Land
Reviving race science plays into centuries of oppression.
Nov 29, 2018 / Aviva Chomsky

Epic Fails: ‘Outlaw King’ and Netflix’s Nationalism Problem Epic Fails: ‘Outlaw King’ and Netflix’s Nationalism Problem
What the film industry gets wrong—and Monty Python gets right—about the nation.
Nov 29, 2018 / Kanishk Tharoor

How Nancy Pelosi Won Over Progressive Insurgents in Her Fight to Run the House How Nancy Pelosi Won Over Progressive Insurgents in Her Fight to Run the House
Pelosi showed why she deserves to be speaker as she isolated a small band of conservative Democrats and won her caucus nomination overwhelmingly.
Nov 28, 2018 / Joan Walsh

Deal or No Deal? The Season Finale of the United Kingdom Deal or No Deal? The Season Finale of the United Kingdom
No one knows for sure how the Brexit episode will end.
Nov 28, 2018 / Gary Younge