Political Figures

Raul Grijalva

Why We Need the People’s Budget Why We Need the People’s Budget

Trump’s proposal is a shocking testament to cruelty and greed. Fortunately, the Congressional Progressive Caucus has an excellent alternative.

Jun 1, 2017 / The Editors

President Donald Trump

Our President, the Little Big Man Our President, the Little Big Man

From his proposals on health care, to his tax plan, to his border wall, Trump is symptomatic of the nation he now “leads.”

May 31, 2017 / Tom Engelhardt

roger ailes kingsman screening

Presidents Come and Go—the Legacy of Roger Ailes May Last Forever Presidents Come and Go—the Legacy of Roger Ailes May Last Forever

The Fox News founder is dead. So why does the rest of cable news look like an army of his monsters?

May 31, 2017 / Column / Eric Alterman

Greg Gianforte

Donald Trump Is Enabling Attacks on Journalists Donald Trump Is Enabling Attacks on Journalists

Republicans who demonize the press as the enemy are encouraging violence against reporters.

May 31, 2017 / Column / Laila Lalami

trump post ahca

To Impeach or Not to Impeach? And Is That Even the Question? To Impeach or Not to Impeach? And Is That Even the Question?

Four writers debate whether Trump's removal from office is a priority or a distraction.

May 31, 2017 / Doug Henwood, Steve Phillips, Christopher D. Cook, and Medea Benjamin

Christine Pellegrino Win

No, the ‘Resistance’ Isn’t Failing at the Voting Booth. Here’s Where It’s Winning. No, the ‘Resistance’ Isn’t Failing at the Voting Booth. Here’s Where It’s Winning.

The demand for fundamental change sparked by the Sanders insurgency is still building inside and outside the Democratic Party.

May 30, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

No Rational Nation Would Ever Elect Such a Leader No Rational Nation Would Ever Elect Such a Leader

How much stress can democracy withstand before it collapses? Hmm...

May 30, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow

trump press conf

Trump Is Trying to Cover Up His Lies by Destroying Information Trump Is Trying to Cover Up His Lies by Destroying Information

For an administration that depends on ignorance, public knowledge is enemy number one.

May 25, 2017 / Rebecca Gordon

Trump Saudi Arabia Speech

Our Embarrassment in Chief’s International Trip Is No Laughing Matter Our Embarrassment in Chief’s International Trip Is No Laughing Matter

Let’s not grade a guy holding the nuclear codes on a curve.

May 23, 2017 / Joshua Holland

war on women protest

Trump Escalates the War on Women Trump Escalates the War on Women

Reproductive rights are not merely a women’s health issue—they are an essential component of economic health and security as well.

May 23, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
