Political Figures

declaration of independence painting by John Trumbull

What Did Equality Mean for the Founders? What Did Equality Mean for the Founders?

Three new books on the early republic explore the critical, if contested, role equality has played in shaping American political culture.

Apr 5, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Sophia Rosenfeld


From Collapse to Mystique From Collapse to Mystique

François Hollande failed French Socialists, and France. Emmanuel Macron is promising France a glorious rebirth—but without the “Socialist” label.

Apr 5, 2017 / Feature / Arthur Goldhammer

Fifty Years Later, King’s Warning Still Resonates

Fifty Years Later, King’s Warning Still Resonates Fifty Years Later, King’s Warning Still Resonates

It is time to revive a peace and justice movement calling for the United States to stop its endless wars and turn its resources and attention to rebuilding our own country.

Apr 4, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Sean Spicer Is in Complete Control Sean Spicer Is in Complete Control

Poor Spicey.

Apr 4, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s Election Was Part of a Startling Global Trend in 2016 Donald Trump’s Election Was Part of a Startling Global Trend in 2016

Around the world, violent populism is on the rise.

Apr 3, 2017 / Alfred McCoy

New York Post Cover

The Perception of Liberal Bias in the Newsroom Has Nothing Whatsoever to Do With Reality The Perception of Liberal Bias in the Newsroom Has Nothing Whatsoever to Do With Reality

Insisting without evidence that the mainstream media leans left, press critics do the right wing’s bidding.

Mar 31, 2017 / Column / Eric Alterman

Trump Is Alt-Wrong

Trump Is Alt-Wrong Trump Is Alt-Wrong

ignore this…

Mar 30, 2017 / Peter Kuper

Letters Icon

Letters From the April 17, 2017, Issue Letters From the April 17, 2017, Issue

For the public, not profit… Russia’s a touchy subject… Book learning: Hitler and the labor movement…

Mar 30, 2017 / Our Readers

Trump Campaign

Trump Fails to Close His First Big Washington Deal Trump Fails to Close His First Big Washington Deal

But how? His book defines the art. Reporters often cite it. One salient fact that they forgot: He didn’t really write it.

Mar 30, 2017 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Big Bird on bench

Americans Everywhere Benefit From the NEA and NEH Americans Everywhere Benefit From the NEA and NEH

And that includes coal miners who voted for Trump.

Mar 30, 2017 / Column / Laila Lalami
