Political Figures

Big Bird on bench

Americans Everywhere Benefit From the NEA and NEH Americans Everywhere Benefit From the NEA and NEH

And that includes coal miners who voted for Trump.

Mar 30, 2017 / Column / Laila Lalami

Journalists watch GOP debate

The Sovietization of the American Political-Media Establishment?   The Sovietization of the American Political-Media Establishment?  

The hunt for Trump’s “Kremlin connections” indulges in practices reminiscent of the Soviet Kremlin and its media.

Mar 29, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Why Trump’s Climate-Wrecking Agenda Could Fail

Why Trump’s Climate-Wrecking Agenda Could Fail Why Trump’s Climate-Wrecking Agenda Could Fail

Activists as well as local and state governments are fighting back—but global energy markets could be his most powerful opponents.

Mar 29, 2017 / Mark Hertsgaard

A young man holds up a sign at a recent rally against the repeal of the ACA

The Tea Party Helped Build the Bridge to Single Payer The Tea Party Helped Build the Bridge to Single Payer

By pushing a draconian repeal of Obamacare, they awakened a giant. Thanks, guys!

Mar 29, 2017 / Richard Kim

Gorsuch and Trump

Russia Is Not the Reason to Block Gorsuch Russia Is Not the Reason to Block Gorsuch

President Trump’s greatest political weakness isn’t his alleged ties to Russia. It’s a cruel policy agenda that the American people overwhelmingly reject.

Mar 28, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Trump’s Daily Diary Rants Trump’s Daily Diary Rants

Where Trump thinks about things like, why won’t the fake news shut up about Russia? 

Mar 28, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow

This Is What’s Really Behind North Korea’s Nuclear Provocations

This Is What’s Really Behind North Korea’s Nuclear Provocations This Is What’s Really Behind North Korea’s Nuclear Provocations

It’s easy to dismiss Kim Jong-un as a madman. But there’s a long history of US aggression against the North, which we forget at our peril.

Mar 23, 2017 / Bruce Cumings

Donald Trump takes a question during a news conference

Trump’s Wiretapping Accusation Trump’s Wiretapping Accusation

Though almost no one else has shrunk
 From saying that it’s total bunk, This man-child who must show he’s strong Cannot admit that he was wrong. No matter if his facts are checked…

Mar 23, 2017 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Comey Intelligence Hearing

We Must Investigate the Russia Hacking Charges—Without Cold-War Hysteria We Must Investigate the Russia Hacking Charges—Without Cold-War Hysteria

Exaggerated fear of foreign subversion can be more damaging to our democracy than external enemies.

Mar 23, 2017 / Bruce Shapiro

Donald Trump

Trump’s Budget Is a Perfect Reflection of Republican Values Trump’s Budget Is a Perfect Reflection of Republican Values

It’s cruel, duplicitous and ignorant.

Mar 23, 2017 / Robert L. Borosage
