The Confirmation Process Is an Opportunity to Expose Trump’s Big Lie The Confirmation Process Is an Opportunity to Expose Trump’s Big Lie
Activists should highlight the president-elect’s bait-and-switch from fake populist to country-club reactionary.
Jan 4, 2017 / The Nation

Did Putin Really Launch a ‘Cyber–Pearl Harbor’ Against America? Did Putin Really Launch a ‘Cyber–Pearl Harbor’ Against America?
Hysteria over Russia’s alleged hacking of the 2016 presidential election may make this US-Russian crisis more dangerous than the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.
Jan 4, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

3 Steps for Progressive Resistance and Rebuilding as the Trump Era Launches 3 Steps for Progressive Resistance and Rebuilding as the Trump Era Launches
Ultimately, the party’s fortunes will depend on recruiting a new generation of progressive leaders who can harness the power of social movements and drive it into electoral politic...
Jan 3, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Keith Ellison Says He Is Ready to Fight for Democracy in North Carolina—and Across America Keith Ellison Says He Is Ready to Fight for Democracy in North Carolina—and Across America
Keith Ellison is right to warn Democrats that a battle in one state has nationwide implications.
Dec 23, 2016 / John Nichols

Trump Kicks Off the Return of the Czars Trump Kicks Off the Return of the Czars
Republicans had a huge problem with Obama’s “czars.” Will they say anything now? (Spoiler: no.)
Dec 22, 2016 / David Dayen

Pax Trumpanica? Pax Trumpanica?
He said that torture was OK. He’d bomb the bad guys off the map. He now sounds much less bellicose— A cuddly dog on Putin’s lap.
Dec 22, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking! Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking!
The debate over possible intervention in the election should be based on publicly disclosed evidence, not unverifiable, anonymous leaks.
Dec 21, 2016 / The Nation

American Cold Warriors Want to Fight Russia, Not Terrorism American Cold Warriors Want to Fight Russia, Not Terrorism
As terrorists strike again, from Ankara and Berlin to Syria, the US political-media establishment is determined to disqualify Putin as a security partner for President-elect Trump.
Dec 21, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Mitch McConnell Assaulted the Constitution (and Got Away With It) Mitch McConnell Assaulted the Constitution (and Got Away With It)
The senator refused to perform his duty in rejecting any consideration of Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.
Dec 21, 2016 / William Greider

Sham Populism, Shameless Plutocracy Sham Populism, Shameless Plutocracy
Almost every legitimate function of the federal government could be subverted by Trump’s wrecking crew.
Dec 20, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel