Political Figures

October 28, 2005: White House Official ‘Scooter’ Libby Is Indicted in the Valerie Plame Affair

October 28, 2005: White House Official ‘Scooter’ Libby Is Indicted in the Valerie Plame Affair October 28, 2005: White House Official ‘Scooter’ Libby Is Indicted in the Valerie Plame Affair

“One doesn’t need indictments—or convictions—to see this case as a clear representation of the way Bush and his crew do business.“

Oct 28, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

The Benghazi Hearings We Need

The Benghazi Hearings We Need The Benghazi Hearings We Need

It is time to challenge a global overreach that has failed repeatedly in the past and seems doomed to fail in the future.

Oct 27, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tom Tomorrow toon

The Campaign Season of the Damned The Campaign Season of the Damned

Welcome to the endless torment of the perpetual campaign.

Oct 27, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Trey Gowdy

Trey Gowdy Sent an Intellectually Disabled Man to Death Row Trey Gowdy Sent an Intellectually Disabled Man to Death Row

As a South Carolina district attorney, Gowdy pushed to put Fredrick Evins on death row, even though evidence emerged during the trial that Evins is intellectually disabled.

Oct 26, 2015 / Spencer Woodman

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This ‘Political Revolution’ Thing Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This ‘Political Revolution’ Thing

With a rock concert, a rally, and a key speech in Iowa, the insurgent signals that he intends to remain an insurgent.

Oct 26, 2015 / John Nichols

One Possibility

One Possibility One Possibility

To those whom Trump does not enthuse With bombast and his racist views, Some pundits say, “Don’t sing the blues. The Trump campaign will soon defuse. His nutcase voters then will c…

Oct 22, 2015 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Who Benefits From Biden’s Exit? Biden.

Who Benefits From Biden’s Exit? Biden. Who Benefits From Biden’s Exit? Biden.

By becoming a factor in a presidential race he was not running, the vice president increased his stature and influence.

Oct 21, 2015 / John Nichols

Paul Ryan confers with an aide.

Paul Ryan Was Already Rejected for a Leadership Position—by the Voters Paul Ryan Was Already Rejected for a Leadership Position—by the Voters

Paul Ryan demands unwavering support for House speaker. But if this “young gun” is the GOP’s “only hope,” the party’s in even bigger trouble than it seems.

Oct 21, 2015 / John Nichols

US NATO Ukraine

Is the US Abetting World Order or Disorder? Is the US Abetting World Order or Disorder?

How the “sulking superpower” is resisting peaceful outcomes from Syria to Ukraine.

Oct 21, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

Two States, Two Competing Futures for Voting Rights in America

Two States, Two Competing Futures for Voting Rights in America Two States, Two Competing Futures for Voting Rights in America

Republicans will eventually have to reckon with a country that is more diverse, more compassionate and more progressive.

Oct 20, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
