Political Figures

Why a Democratic Insurgency Is ‘Whupping’ Obama on Trade

Why a Democratic Insurgency Is ‘Whupping’ Obama on Trade Why a Democratic Insurgency Is ‘Whupping’ Obama on Trade

His progressive critics have been studying trade deals for two decades—and they know what they’re talking about.

May 27, 2015 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders Has a Plan: Tax Wall Street and Make College Free

Bernie Sanders Has a Plan: Tax Wall Street and Make College Free Bernie Sanders Has a Plan: Tax Wall Street and Make College Free

A Robin Hood Tax on financial transactions could make higher education available for all.

May 19, 2015 / John Nichols

The GOP Still Doesn’t Get It on Iraq

The GOP Still Doesn’t Get It on Iraq The GOP Still Doesn’t Get It on Iraq

For many 2016 GOP hopefuls, when it comes to Iraq, time does not equal wisdom.

May 19, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Bill de Blasio on the Crisis of Inequality and the Blind Spots of the Democratic Party

Bill de Blasio on the Crisis of Inequality and the Blind Spots of the Democratic Party Bill de Blasio on the Crisis of Inequality and the Blind Spots of the Democratic Party

An interview with the New York City mayor as he launches a new “Progressive Agenda to Combat Inequality.”

May 14, 2015 / Eric Alterman

The Imaginary Public Support for Obama’s Trade Agenda

The Imaginary Public Support for Obama’s Trade Agenda The Imaginary Public Support for Obama’s Trade Agenda

Why does the White House keep telling reporters the public is lining up behind the trade push?

May 13, 2015 / George Zornick

Human Rights Groups to Obama: Investigate All Civilian Victims of Drone Strikes

Human Rights Groups to Obama: Investigate All Civilian Victims of Drone Strikes Human Rights Groups to Obama: Investigate All Civilian Victims of Drone Strikes

Groups from Amnesty to the ACLU to Reprieve are calling for the same standard of accountability that followed the killings of Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto.

May 13, 2015 / Ali Gharib

Could Fast Track Ultimately Destroy Dodd-Frank? (Yes.)

Could Fast Track Ultimately Destroy Dodd-Frank? (Yes.) Could Fast Track Ultimately Destroy Dodd-Frank? (Yes.)

The White House has been going hard against Elizabeth Warren for making this claim—but she’s right.

May 12, 2015 / George Zornick

The Emerging Populist Agenda

The Emerging Populist Agenda The Emerging Populist Agenda

The clear presence of a populist reform agenda might be the biggest surprise of the 2016 election season thus far.

May 12, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

When TPP Meets the Populist Menace

When TPP Meets the Populist Menace When TPP Meets the Populist Menace

The “reach across the aisle” was going according to plan... until the Populist Avenger showed up.

May 12, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Why So Many Democrats Rejected Obama’s Lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal

Why So Many Democrats Rejected Obama’s Lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Why So Many Democrats Rejected Obama’s Lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal

The president’s suggestion that his critics do not understand trade issues is “absolutely inaccurate.”

May 11, 2015 / John Nichols
