Political Figures

Did Obama Just Introduce a ‘Public Option’ for Higher Education?

Did Obama Just Introduce a ‘Public Option’ for Higher Education? Did Obama Just Introduce a ‘Public Option’ for Higher Education?

The president’s plan to make two years of community college free for some students could solve some of higher education’s most intractable problems.

Jan 9, 2015 / Mike Konczal

Mario Cuomo Gave Some Great Speeches. But What Did He Actually Accomplish?

Mario Cuomo Gave Some Great Speeches. But What Did He Actually Accomplish? Mario Cuomo Gave Some Great Speeches. But What Did He Actually Accomplish?

And why are progressives so easily seduced by words?

Jan 7, 2015 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Steve Scalise’s Defense Steve Scalise’s Defense

He spoke before he knew that group 
 preached hate. That’s human error—cause for mild rebuke. Although the leader’s name does ring a bell, It might have been some other David Duke.

Jan 7, 2015 / Column / Calvin Trillin

January 7, 1999: The Impeachment Trial of Bill Clinton Begins

January 7, 1999: The Impeachment Trial of Bill Clinton Begins January 7, 1999: The Impeachment Trial of Bill Clinton Begins

In The Nation Jonathan Schell laid to rest any comparisons between Clinton’s crimes, such as they were, and those of Richard Nixon.

Jan 7, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

January 6, 1919: Theodore Roosevelt Dies

January 6, 1919: Theodore Roosevelt Dies January 6, 1919: Theodore Roosevelt Dies

Previously critical of the former president’s “half-baked Rooseveltian socialism,” by the time of his death The Nation had swung to the left. We saw TR as “...

Jan 6, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

‘Nothing Was an Accident That Night’: Mexican Federal Police Implicated in the Disappearance of the 43

‘Nothing Was an Accident That Night’: Mexican Federal Police Implicated in the Disappearance of the 43 ‘Nothing Was an Accident That Night’: Mexican Federal Police Implicated in the Disappearance of the 43

As he prepares to visit Washington, President Enrique Peña Nieto’s alibi is unraveling.

Jan 5, 2015 / Greg Grandin

Zephyr Teachout, Hands Up United and John Oliver Made Our 2014 Progressive Honor Roll. Who Else Made the List?

Zephyr Teachout, Hands Up United and John Oliver Made Our 2014 Progressive Honor Roll. Who Else Made the List? Zephyr Teachout, Hands Up United and John Oliver Made Our 2014 Progressive Honor Roll. Who Else Made the List?

From the huge climate march in September to racial-justice activism, it was a year that saw renewal of movement-based politics.

Dec 22, 2014 / Feature / John Nichols

How to Survive a Cop Coup: What Bill de Blasio Can Learn From Ecuador

How to Survive a Cop Coup: What Bill de Blasio Can Learn From Ecuador How to Survive a Cop Coup: What Bill de Blasio Can Learn From Ecuador

In late 2010, Ecuador’s Rafael Correa faced down a cop revolt and won—emerging stronger and more popular.

Dec 21, 2014 / Greg Grandin

Can Warren and Pelosi Lead Democrats to High Ground?

Can Warren and Pelosi Lead Democrats to High Ground? Can Warren and Pelosi Lead Democrats to High Ground?

The congressional showdown has given us an exciting glimpse of what the future might look like if they lead the way for a liberal insurgency.

Dec 12, 2014 / William Greider

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Rutherford B. Hayes (but Forgot To Ask)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Rutherford B. Hayes (but Forgot To Ask) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Rutherford B. Hayes (but Forgot To Ask)

Americans today are a lot more familiar with his presidency than they think they are.

Dec 3, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Richard Kreitner and Back Issues
