Political Figures

Walmart Strikers Target Waltons, as NOW Calls Out Obamas

Walmart Strikers Target Waltons, as NOW Calls Out Obamas Walmart Strikers Target Waltons, as NOW Calls Out Obamas

The National Organization for Women's president says the Obamas have "screwed up" by praising Walmart.

Jun 7, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

Aura Bogado: The Obamas Need to Clean Up Their Act

Aura Bogado: The Obamas Need to Clean Up Their Act Aura Bogado: The Obamas Need to Clean Up Their Act

Society is not post-racial. Barack and Michelle Obama need to stop telling young people of color otherwise.

Jun 5, 2013 / Press Room

Will Obama End the Long War on Terror?

Will Obama End the Long War on Terror? Will Obama End the Long War on Terror?

There are some hopeful signs, including his recent speech at the National Defense University and a new, less hawkish foreign policy team.

Jun 5, 2013 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

The Koch Influence

The Koch Influence The Koch Influence

On the eve of our first Neo-Pleistocene summer, carbon barons David and Charles Koch seem to be everywhere.

May 31, 2013 / Leslie Savan

Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Precarious Legal Grounds for Targeted Killings

Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Precarious Legal Grounds for Targeted Killings Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Precarious Legal Grounds for Targeted Killings

Yesterday, Obama laid out the justification for killing US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki. But his reasoning had very little legal grounding at all. 

May 24, 2013 / Press Room

Obama Rejects Perpetual War, but Questions Remain About Targeted Killings

Obama Rejects Perpetual War, but Questions Remain About Targeted Killings Obama Rejects Perpetual War, but Questions Remain About Targeted Killings

Until the president defines what “associated forces” are, the current formulation leaves open the possibility of unlimited, unending use of military force anywhere in t...

May 23, 2013 / John Sifton

Going Bulworth

Going Bulworth Going Bulworth

In the film Bulworth, a senator up for re-election starts calling it like it is. Mired in a second-term funk, why doesn’t Obama do the same?

May 21, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Penny Pritzker’s Commerce (Part One)

Penny Pritzker’s Commerce (Part One) Penny Pritzker’s Commerce (Part One)

Beware rocks that Republicans will be looking under at the confirmation hearings for President Obama’s Commerce Secretary-designee.

May 6, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

John Nichols: Time for the Austerity Hawks to Check Their Math

John Nichols: Time for the Austerity Hawks to Check Their Math John Nichols: Time for the Austerity Hawks to Check Their Math

Recent findings from Amherst College deal a major blow to austerity-friendly calculations—which the mathemeticians themselves acknowledge.

May 2, 2013 / Press Room

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: George W. Bush Opens His Presidential Library & Collective Amnesia Reigns This Week in ‘Nation’ History: George W. Bush Opens His Presidential Library & Collective Amnesia Reigns

The Nation's archive helps us remember.

Apr 27, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
