Political Figures

Presidents and Libraries Presidents and Libraries

A blueprint for the Barack Obama presidential library.

Oct 8, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Michael Sorkin

Congressman Agrees With Caller: Fighting Obamacare Is Like Fighting Slavery

Congressman Agrees With Caller: Fighting Obamacare Is Like Fighting Slavery Congressman Agrees With Caller: Fighting Obamacare Is Like Fighting Slavery

Congressman John Fleming agreed with a caller to a radio program that fighting Obamacare is like fighting slavery. 

Oct 2, 2013 / Lee Fang

Hillary Clinton: It’s Not Her Turn

Hillary Clinton: It’s Not Her Turn Hillary Clinton: It’s Not Her Turn

It’s hard to imagine a Democrat of national stature more ill-equipped to speak to the populist mood than HRC.

Oct 2, 2013 / Column / Richard Kim

Bill de Blasio Hurls the ‘NY Post’ Into a Time Warp

Bill de Blasio Hurls the ‘NY Post’ Into a Time Warp Bill de Blasio Hurls the ‘NY Post’ Into a Time Warp

The right salivates over the “news” that the NYC mayoral hopeful once visited Nicaragua and that, for a yearbook photo, didn’t wear a tie. 

Sep 27, 2013 / Leslie Savan

Larry Summers Is Out, but the Boys’ Club Is as In as Ever

Larry Summers Is Out, but the Boys’ Club Is as In as Ever Larry Summers Is Out, but the Boys’ Club Is as In as Ever

The protracted fight to get a more qualified woman nominated over a less qualified man is a perfect parable for how hard achieving diversity really is.

Sep 17, 2013 / Bryce Covert

The Populist Rebellion That Tripped Up Larry Summers

The Populist Rebellion That Tripped Up Larry Summers The Populist Rebellion That Tripped Up Larry Summers

The top candidate for the Federal Reserve chair withdraws his name from consideration after key Democratic senators said they would oppose him.

Sep 15, 2013 / John Nichols

John Kerry: Mr. Magoo or Machiavelli?

John Kerry: Mr. Magoo or Machiavelli? John Kerry: Mr. Magoo or Machiavelli?

Diplomacy is messy, clichés aren’t.

Sep 13, 2013 / Leslie Savan

AFL-CIO Convention Closes With Obamacare Critique and Call for ‘Bipartisan Political Action’

AFL-CIO Convention Closes With Obamacare Critique and Call for ‘Bipartisan Political Action’ AFL-CIO Convention Closes With Obamacare Critique and Call for ‘Bipartisan Political Action’

Union presidents challenged the Obama administration to fix Affordable Care Act issues which they warned could devastate their health plans.

Sep 12, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

Obama Delays Demand for Force ‘While We Pursue This Diplomatic Path’

Obama Delays Demand for Force ‘While We Pursue This Diplomatic Path’ Obama Delays Demand for Force ‘While We Pursue This Diplomatic Path’

The president is right to embrace prospect of removing chemical weapons without military intervention.

Sep 11, 2013 / John Nichols

Congress Should Provide Advice, Not Consent, on Syria

Congress Should Provide Advice, Not Consent, on Syria Congress Should Provide Advice, Not Consent, on Syria

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) will propose a diplomacy and accountability amendment.

Sep 10, 2013 / John Nichols
