A Perilous ‘Searching for Monsters to Destroy’ in Syria A Perilous ‘Searching for Monsters to Destroy’ in Syria
Congress should always check and balance plans to support rebels in foreign conflicts. But thatrsquo;s especially true when 70 percent of Americans think it’s a bad idea.
Jun 18, 2013 / John Nichols

John Nichols: Data Mining American Voters John Nichols: Data Mining American Voters
It's not just the government and corporations who are tracking your cell and computer use: politicians on the campaign trail are some of the biggest data snoopers around.
Jun 13, 2013 / Francis Reynolds
JFK’s Presidential Courage—June 10, 1963 JFK’s Presidential Courage—June 10, 1963
Fifty years ago, Kennedy made a historic speech that brought America and the Soviet Union back from the brink.
Jun 12, 2013 / Norman Birnbaum

Not Just the NSA: Politicians Are Data Mining the American Electorate Not Just the NSA: Politicians Are Data Mining the American Electorate
Data drive a money-and-media election complex that is rapidly turning American democracy into an American Dollarocracy, where election campaigns are long on technical savvy but sho...
Jun 12, 2013 / John Nichols

Walmart Strikers Target Waltons, as NOW Calls Out Obamas Walmart Strikers Target Waltons, as NOW Calls Out Obamas
The National Organization for Women's president says the Obamas have "screwed up" by praising Walmart.
Jun 7, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

Aura Bogado: The Obamas Need to Clean Up Their Act Aura Bogado: The Obamas Need to Clean Up Their Act
Society is not post-racial. Barack and Michelle Obama need to stop telling young people of color otherwise.
Jun 5, 2013 / Press Room

Will Obama End the Long War on Terror? Will Obama End the Long War on Terror?
There are some hopeful signs, including his recent speech at the National Defense University and a new, less hawkish foreign policy team.
Jun 5, 2013 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

The Koch Influence The Koch Influence
On the eve of our first Neo-Pleistocene summer, carbon barons David and Charles Koch seem to be everywhere.
May 31, 2013 / Leslie Savan

Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Precarious Legal Grounds for Targeted Killings Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Precarious Legal Grounds for Targeted Killings
Yesterday, Obama laid out the justification for killing US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki. But his reasoning had very little legal grounding at all.
May 24, 2013 / Press Room

Obama Rejects Perpetual War, but Questions Remain About Targeted Killings Obama Rejects Perpetual War, but Questions Remain About Targeted Killings
Until the president defines what “associated forces” are, the current formulation leaves open the possibility of unlimited, unending use of military force anywhere in t...
May 23, 2013 / John Sifton