It’s Time to End the War on Drugs It’s Time to End the War on Drugs
The trillion-dollar crusade isn’t making America drug-free—it’s making us the world's most incarcerated population.
Nov 20, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
What the Case for Palin in 2016 Says About Conservatives What the Case for Palin in 2016 Says About Conservatives
Right-wing pundits still don’t get it: Romney's loss was about issues, not identity politics.
Nov 20, 2012 / Ben Adler
Obama’s Drone Presidency Obama’s Drone Presidency
As the number of civilian casualties mounts, our nation's “kill list” only grows longer.
Nov 19, 2012 / Melissa Harris-Perry
Obama Speaks at Myanmar’s Historic Center of Student Protest Obama Speaks at Myanmar’s Historic Center of Student Protest
The President's choice of venue--where the former military dictator massacred students in 1962--is a nod to his administration's careful non-endorsement of the Myanmar gove...
Nov 19, 2012 / StudentNation / Zoë Schlanger
Is Romney’s ‘Gift’ Doctrine as Bad as It Sounds? Is Romney’s ‘Gift’ Doctrine as Bad as It Sounds?
Short answer: Yes, but…
Nov 17, 2012 / Leslie Savan

Obama Fiddling While Gaza Burns Obama Fiddling While Gaza Burns
The White House better let Israel know, quietly, to stand down. And then work for a real ceasefire. Fast.
Nov 16, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Secret Nation-Building Boom of the Obama Years The Secret Nation-Building Boom of the Obama Years
As the infrastructure of many U.S. cities crumbles, the Pentagon continues to pump over a billion dollars into military bases throughout the Middle East.
Nov 15, 2012 / Nick Turse
The Time Has Come for Responsible Republicans to Rebuke Romney-Ryan The Time Has Come for Responsible Republicans to Rebuke Romney-Ryan
Post-election gripes about “urban areas” and “gifts” should discredit the 2012 GOP ticket.
Nov 15, 2012 / John Nichols
Obama on Petraeus, Iran and Syria Obama on Petraeus, Iran and Syria
The president's foreign policy news conference knocked down conspiracy theories and raised a glimmer of hope on talks with Iran. But worries remain about our engagement with Sy...
Nov 14, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

Obama Won. Now It’s Time to Change the System Obama Won. Now It’s Time to Change the System
In the next four years—and beyond—progressives must create the political space for the president to represent the majority of Americans.
Nov 14, 2012 / Feature / Peter Dreier and Donald Cohen