Howard Dean Predicts Obama Re-Election, Democrats Retake House Howard Dean Predicts Obama Re-Election, Democrats Retake House
With the president’s poll numbers improving and the economy picking up, the former DNC chair likes his party’s chances in the fall.
Feb 14, 2012 / Ari Berman
Why Is Paul Ryan So Angry About Reduced Unemployment? Why Is Paul Ryan So Angry About Reduced Unemployment?
After three years of griping about slow growth, the GOP’'s Budget Committee chair is suddenly fretting about too much growth.
Feb 3, 2012 / John Nichols
Sparks Fly on Spring Street… Sparks Fly on Spring Street…
Eric on altercations with Bill O'Reilly, a chance meeting with The Boss, and the regular alter-reviews. Reed points out the many holes and contradictions in Candidate Romney's fore...
Feb 2, 2012 / Eric Alterman
The Democrats Who Unleashed Wall Street and Got Away With It The Democrats Who Unleashed Wall Street and Got Away With It
That Lawrence Summers and Bill Clinton, the president he served as treasury secretary, can still get away with disclaiming responsibility for our financial meltdown is an insult to...
Feb 2, 2012 / Robert Scheer
Obama Stands Up to Bishops. Finally. Obama Stands Up to Bishops. Finally.
Shouldn't it be obvious that birth control coverage is about women's health, not “religious freedom”?
Jan 31, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Sarah Versus the ‘Stalinists’: Palin Targets Republican Politburo Sarah Versus the ‘Stalinists’: Palin Targets Republican Politburo
Palin (sort-of) endorses Newt to stop the Soviet-style establishment of the Republican Party.
Jan 30, 2012 / John Nichols
The Winter of Our Discontent The Winter of Our Discontent
Eric reviews The Philanderer, Kevin Spacey in Richard III, the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, and some classics finally available on blu ray. Reed casts his critical eye over Washingto...
Jan 27, 2012 / Eric Alterman
Jeremy Scahill: Obama the Hawk Jeremy Scahill: Obama the Hawk
The Obama administration's alternatives to large-scale military operations are, in some ways, far more drastic and dangerous for US interests around the globe.
Jan 27, 2012 / Francis Reynolds
Obama’s Faux Populism Sounds Like Bill Clinton Obama’s Faux Populism Sounds Like Bill Clinton
Betrayal by the “good guys” for whom we have ended up voting has become the norm.
Jan 26, 2012 / Robert Scheer
Obama Takes a Populist Stand in His State of the Union Obama Takes a Populist Stand in His State of the Union
But Washington won't follow through unless the grassroots insurgency of Wisconsin and Occupy grows.
Jan 25, 2012 / The Editors