The Winter of Our Discontent The Winter of Our Discontent
Eric reviews The Philanderer, Kevin Spacey in Richard III, the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, and some classics finally available on blu ray. Reed casts his critical eye over Washingto...
Jan 27, 2012 / Eric Alterman

Jeremy Scahill: Obama the Hawk Jeremy Scahill: Obama the Hawk
The Obama administration's alternatives to large-scale military operations are, in some ways, far more drastic and dangerous for US interests around the globe.
Jan 27, 2012 / Francis Reynolds
Obama’s Faux Populism Sounds Like Bill Clinton Obama’s Faux Populism Sounds Like Bill Clinton
Betrayal by the “good guys” for whom we have ended up voting has become the norm.
Jan 26, 2012 / Robert Scheer
Obama Takes a Populist Stand in His State of the Union Obama Takes a Populist Stand in His State of the Union
But Washington won't follow through unless the grassroots insurgency of Wisconsin and Occupy grows.
Jan 25, 2012 / The Editors

A Spoonful of Sugar: On the Affordable Care Act A Spoonful of Sugar: On the Affordable Care Act
Obama and America's hundred-year struggle over healthcare reform.
Jan 25, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Bernard Avishai
Scratching the Surface of Obama’s Education Rhetoric Scratching the Surface of Obama’s Education Rhetoric
From drop-outs to teachers, dId the president’s State of the Union school reform proposals make any sense?
Jan 25, 2012 / Dana Goldstein
Marriage, Power and ‘The Obamas’ Marriage, Power and ‘The Obamas’
The swirl of controversy over Jodi Kantor’s biography reflects deep cultural anxieties about the limits we place on women in power.
Jan 18, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Ilyse Hogue
Why the Obamas Should Embrace ‘The Obamas’ Why the Obamas Should Embrace ‘The Obamas’
A new book puts a human face on the Obama presidency and shows just how influential Michelle Obama really is.
Jan 11, 2012 / Ilyse Hogue
‘The Iron Lady’: The Margaret Thatcher Movie We Don’t Need ‘The Iron Lady’: The Margaret Thatcher Movie We Don’t Need
In the new bio-pic, Margaret Thatcher's iron isn’t just rusty, it’s melted down into something soft and personal. The Iron Lady gives us Thatcher, the ABBA Version...
Jan 4, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Laura Flanders
Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens
With the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, the president has brought Guantánamo-style justice to the United States.
Jan 4, 2012 / Column / Alexander Cockburn