Political Figures

Nurses’ Prescription for Healing Our Economy Nurses’ Prescription for Healing Our Economy

When it comes to a financial transactions tax, European conservatives and American nurses are way ahead of President Obama.

Oct 5, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

With Obama Veering Corporate On Trade, Democrats Need to ‘Distinguish Themselves From the President’ With Obama Veering Corporate On Trade, Democrats Need to ‘Distinguish Themselves From the President’

 A savvy Democratic congressman warns that House and Senate Democrats had best be thinking about how to run and win even if Obama stumbles. History suggests that his point is ...

Oct 3, 2011 / John Nichols

As Obama Goes Abroad Searching for Monsters to Destroy, Ron Paul Rightly Rejects Assassinating Americans As Obama Goes Abroad Searching for Monsters to Destroy, Ron Paul Rightly Rejects Assassinating Americans

While Rick Perry hails the president's authorization of the killing of two Americans in Yemen, Paul rejects “assassinating American citizens without charges.”

Oct 1, 2011 / John Nichols

The Men We Trusted to Lead Us The Men We Trusted to Lead Us

By pointing those who are the culprits of "the crime of the century," President Obama betrayed his promise of hope.

Sep 29, 2011 / Robert Scheer

The Obama Presidency Invites Contempt

The Obama Presidency Invites Contempt The Obama Presidency Invites Contempt

Is this a politician who, when faced with recalcitrant opposition, would rather switch than fight?

Sep 27, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman

Terrible Ten in Congress

Terrible Ten in Congress Terrible Ten in Congress

Do we invest in affordable housing, or a mortgage interest deduction on vacation homes? Congress’s “Terrible Ten” force the poor to sacrifice for breaks for the r...

Sep 27, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Why Ralph Nader, Cornel West, Jonathan Kozol Seek Primary Challenges to Obama Why Ralph Nader, Cornel West, Jonathan Kozol Seek Primary Challenges to Obama

Progressives sign a call for antiwar, anticorporate Democrats to mount primary campaigns to challenge Obama and the politics of compromise.

Sep 25, 2011 / John Nichols

Note to GOP Candidates: Obama’s No Socialist Note to GOP Candidates: Obama’s No Socialist

Romney said that the president takes his inspiration “from socialist democrats in Europe.” Gingrich decried “Obama's socialist policies.” They are ridiculou...

Sep 23, 2011 / John Nichols

The Future of No Child Left Behind

The Future of No Child Left Behind The Future of No Child Left Behind

President Obama is moving forward to reform NCLB unilaterally, but the House GOP has its own plan.

Sep 23, 2011 / Dana Goldstein

Black President, Double Standard: Why White Liberals Are Abandoning Obama

Black President, Double Standard: Why White Liberals Are Abandoning Obama Black President, Double Standard: Why White Liberals Are Abandoning Obama

Electoral racism may be dead, but is there a more subtle form of racism at work in the white flight from Obama?

Sep 21, 2011 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry
