Political Figures

Barack Hussein Obama II: As American as Willard Mitt Romney—and Donald Trump Barack Hussein Obama II: As American as Willard Mitt Romney—and Donald Trump

Obama releases his birth certificate. Turns out he's no more “foreign” than his leading Republican rival. Or Donald Trump.  

Apr 27, 2011 / John Nichols

Why Afghanistan Could Upend Obama’s Re-election Strategy Why Afghanistan Could Upend Obama’s Re-election Strategy

Antiwar sentiment is at the heart of Obama’s base—and also of his appeal to independent voters. 

Apr 27, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

All the WikiLeaks Fit to Print All the WikiLeaks Fit to Print

Why indeed is Bradley Manning the one behind bars and not the government officials who kept hidden unpleasant truths about this nation’s policies?

Apr 27, 2011 / Robert Scheer

Confronting the Coded Racism of Donald Trump

Confronting the Coded Racism of Donald Trump Confronting the Coded Racism of Donald Trump

Donald Trump crossed a new line by questioning Barack Obama's educational credentials this week, a classic race-baiting trick in the GOP playbook.

Apr 27, 2011 / Ari Melber

Obama’s Decisions on Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan Will Determine Re-Election Chances Obama’s Decisions on Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan Will Determine Re-Election Chances

Will he risk multiple military quagmires or campaign on a pledge to pull troops out of Afghanistan and Pakistan and drones out of Pakistan and Libya?

Apr 26, 2011 / Tom Hayden

The Issue Is Jobs, Not Deficit Reduction The Issue Is Jobs, Not Deficit Reduction

A Democratic congressman tells the president to stop reading from GOP talking points and start borrowing a page from FDR.

Apr 25, 2011 / John Nichols

News for Obama: Public Cares About Jobs, Not Deficit News for Obama: Public Cares About Jobs, Not Deficit

A major new poll shows that Americans do not believe cutting the deficit will create jobs. So why have leaders of both parties become deficit hawks?

Apr 22, 2011 / Ari Berman

A War Powers Challenge to Obama’s Libya Project A War Powers Challenge to Obama’s Libya Project

President Obama failed to seek a declaration of war before ordering US attacks on Libya. Now, he faces a challenge under the War Powers Resolution.

Apr 20, 2011 / John Nichols

Obama Needs A Budget to Match His Progressive Ideals Obama Needs A Budget to Match His Progressive Ideals

Why does President Obama continue to let Republicans define the terms of the budget debate?

Apr 19, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Obama vs. Ryan: Who’s Winning the Deficit Debate?

Obama vs. Ryan: Who’s Winning the Deficit Debate? Obama vs. Ryan: Who’s Winning the Deficit Debate?

Democrat strategists say that the deficit fight is good for Obama. But by conceding that debt is the biggest problem facing the country, the president is undermining the case for t...

Apr 19, 2011 / Ari Berman
