Obama’s Long War Obama’s Long War
Bob Woodward's Obama's Wars is essential reading for anyone seeking a map out of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Oct 6, 2010 / Tom Hayden
Fair Warning Fair Warning
In Our Orbit: Tom Engelhardt's The American Way of War.
Oct 6, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Frederick Deknatel

Ignore the Pollsters and Champion the Progressives Ignore the Pollsters and Champion the Progressives
It would be a mistake for President Obama to lurch toward the center in an attempt to regain his electoral footing.
Oct 6, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Hey Michelle, Read My Book Hey Michelle, Read My Book
Surely Michelle Obama knows that this administration has thrown trillions at the banks in hope that they would respond with mortgage relief for struggling homeowners—and got...
Oct 6, 2010 / Robert Scheer
Forget Gibbs. Bring Back Dean as DNC Chair Forget Gibbs. Bring Back Dean as DNC Chair
Instead of installing another Washington insider in a top position, Obama should look for someone with credibility among the party's grassroots base.
Oct 4, 2010 / Ari Berman
Conversation: Eric Foner on Obama and Lincoln’s Legacy Conversation: Eric Foner on Obama and Lincoln’s Legacy
What can Obama learn from Abraham Lincoln about governing a divided nation, and what can we learn from Lincoln's example about guiding a president to more progressive policies?
Oct 1, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
It’s the Economy, Not the Bloggers It’s the Economy, Not the Bloggers
It seems odd to quote Bill Clinton when it's Obama's recycling of Clintonite politicians that has helped get us into this mess, but there it is. "It's the economy, stupid.&quo...
Sep 30, 2010 / Laura Flanders
Rahm’s Departure Will Help Reset Obama White House Rahm’s Departure Will Help Reset Obama White House
Rahm's depature affords Obama a perfect opportunity to reconnect with his grassroots base.
Sep 30, 2010 / Ari Berman
Is Obama’s Use of State Secrets Privilege the New Normal? Is Obama’s Use of State Secrets Privilege the New Normal?
The Obama administration has invoked the state secrets privilege for the second time in less than a month—this time in an effort to shut down discussion of the targeted kil...
Sep 29, 2010 / Ryan Devereaux
Sucking Up to the Bankers, II Sucking Up to the Bankers, II
The Obama administration, unwilling to confront Wall Street, surrendered the substance as well as the rhetoric of a meaningful populist response to the faux insurgents of the T...
Sep 28, 2010 / Robert Scheer