Welcome to Palinland Welcome to Palinland
With a nod to Rick Perlstein, Welcome to Palinland. Atop Palinland's Mount Rushmore are Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater. Palinland's Bill of Rights has been edited and redacted...
Feb 8, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Sarah Says It’s “Absurd Not to Consider” A Palin Presidency Sarah Says It’s “Absurd Not to Consider” A Palin Presidency
Sarah Palin fed the Teapartisans in Nashville an appetizer of warmed over one-liners about taxes, spending and deficits that add up to "generational theft." Then she gave...
Feb 7, 2010 / John Nichols
New Effort Calls on Obama & GOP to Re-Up on Question Sessions New Effort Calls on Obama & GOP to Re-Up on Question Sessions
President Obama has labored to unite different political factions with policy compromises and conciliatory speeches. But it was Obama's incisive grappling at the Republican retrea...
Feb 3, 2010 / Ari Melber
Noting Setbacks, Plouffe Returns in New Obama Video Noting Setbacks, Plouffe Returns in New Obama Video
David Plouffe, the Obama campaign manager who was recently tapped for an "expanded role" advising the White House, just cut a video briefing Obama supporters on plans for...
Feb 2, 2010 / Ari Melber
The Obama I Remember The Obama I Remember
Watching Barack Obama become President of the United States made me proud and hopeful, but I also found the experience somewhat amusing. I think many of us who were his Hyde Park n...
Jan 30, 2010 / Melissa Harris-Perry
Prankly, My Dear, They Don’t Give a Damn Prankly, My Dear, They Don’t Give a Damn
You know how you can tell the Age of Reagan has ended? Because at his State of the Union address, Barack Obama didn't do any of those ordinary-folks-who-make-a-difference shout-out...
Jan 29, 2010 / Leslie Savan
Obama’s “Eager to See” Better Approach on Health Reform? O.K. Obama’s “Eager to See” Better Approach on Health Reform? O.K.
President Obama renewed his call for health-care reform in his first State of the Union address but, as has been the case from the start of the current debate over how to get more ...
Jan 28, 2010 / John Nichols
Political Fever Political Fever
Since recent shock waves of populism, Obama has made some bigger promises.
Jan 28, 2010 / William Greider
A Cold Day in Washington A Cold Day in Washington
A freeze on discretionary spending may poll well, but it endorses ignorance of how the federal government spends its money.
Jan 28, 2010 / Chris Hayes
Extracting Recovery, Too? Extracting Recovery, Too?
Yesterday it was security, today's it's recovery: another nifty, ubiquitous word that means a whole lot of different things to different people.
Jan 28, 2010 / Laura Flanders