By Any Means Necessary By Any Means Necessary
The window is open for President Obama and a Democratic Congress to finally reform our healthcare system. Success means a bill with a strong public option, not a watered-down "bipa...
Sep 2, 2009 / The Editors
Planet Cheney and the Secret Government Planet Cheney and the Secret Government
The Nation's Chris Hayes calls for a wide-ranging investigation of torture policies similar to the Church Committee of the 1970s.
Sep 1, 2009 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Memories of Ted Kennedy Memories of Ted Kennedy
Senator Kennedy was recognized worldwide as a leader of the American left. What is less recognized is his connection to a social justice-oriented Catholic faith.
Aug 28, 2009 / Feature / Norman Birnbaum
Slide Show: Ted Kennedy’s Life and Legacy Slide Show: Ted Kennedy’s Life and Legacy
Aug 27, 2009 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Paranoia Strikes Deep Paranoia Strikes Deep
If Obama and his progressive allies hope to defeat the latest assault on federal power, they will need to go beyond his artful ambivalence.
Aug 26, 2009 / Michael Kazin
The Fighting Liberal The Fighting Liberal
Remembering Senator Edward Kennedy, who broke barriers of personality and partisanship.
Aug 26, 2009 / The Editors
Kennedy’s Passion for Healthcare Reform Kennedy’s Passion for Healthcare Reform
In this moving April 2008 speech, Sen. Ted Kennedy explains why providing healthcare coverage for all Americans is the 'cause of his life.'
Aug 26, 2009 / YouTube
Remembering the Real Deal Remembering the Real Deal
The light has gone out, and with it that infectious warm laugh and intensely progressive commitment of the best of the Kennedys.
Aug 26, 2009 / Column / Robert Scheer
Sarah Palin Hypes ‘Death’ Panels Sarah Palin Hypes ‘Death’ Panels
Keith Olbermann takes on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and other propagators of healthcare reform misinformation in this special comment.
Aug 11, 2009 / Countdown
How to Talk to Wall Street (If You Must) How to Talk to Wall Street (If You Must)
Obama shouldn't tone down his rhetoric on contentious subjects like racial profiling and executive bonuses. In fact he should emulate politicians of the past who often went off scr...
Jul 30, 2009 / Richard Lingeman