Barack Obama on 60 Minutes: No More Gitmo, Torture Barack Obama on 60 Minutes: No More Gitmo, Torture
President-elect Obama speaks with 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft about the need to restore America's moral standing in the world.
Nov 17, 2008 / CBS
Operation Enduring Disaster Operation Enduring Disaster
Given a severe global economic crisis and the election of Barack Obama, the possibility of a serious discussion about a US exit strategy from the Afghan disaster hovers on the hori...
Let Lieberman Go Let Lieberman Go
Rachel Maddow explains why it would be a terrible idea to let Lieberman remain Chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs committees.
Nov 14, 2008 / MSNBC
The Daily Show: The Biggest Election ’08 Losers The Daily Show: The Biggest Election ’08 Losers
Sarah Palin launches a PR blitz to show voters all they missed by not electing her queen of America.
Nov 13, 2008 / The Daily Show
Cool Hand Luke Cool Hand Luke
The story of the plumber who helped deliver Indiana to Obama.
Nov 13, 2008 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard
A New, Blue Dixie A New, Blue Dixie
Obama's "Southern strategy" pays off.
Joel Klein Should Not Be Secretary of Education Joel Klein Should Not Be Secretary of Education
His appointment would not represent the change promised by Barack Obama's election.
Nov 12, 2008 / StudentNation / The Nation
Dave Zirin on Rachel Maddow Show: Lame Duck Laws Dave Zirin on Rachel Maddow Show: Lame Duck Laws
The Nation's Dave Zirin joins Rachel Maddow to discuss potential abuses when government agencies are given carte blanche.
Nov 12, 2008 / MSNBC
The Daily Show: Sarah Palin Is So Dumb… The Daily Show: Sarah Palin Is So Dumb…
Now that Sarah Palin is out of the running, the media thought it'd be a good time to let us know that she didn't know Africa was a continent.
Nov 12, 2008 / The Daily Show
Cold War Hawks Nesting With Obama Cold War Hawks Nesting With Obama
How can a President Obama improve US relations with Russia if some of his closest advisors are unrepentant hawks from the cold war era?
Nov 12, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer