Political Figures

Bloomberg Beats Democracy Bloomberg Beats Democracy

New York's City Council grants Mayor Michael Bloomberg the opportunity to run for a third term. He'll probably win, but will New Yorkers?

Oct 23, 2008 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Chris Matthews Battles Nancy Pfotenhauer Over Palin’s VP Role Chris Matthews Battles Nancy Pfotenhauer Over Palin’s VP Role

Chris Matthews confronts McCain spokeswoman Nancy Pfotenhauer about Sarah Palin's stubborn insistence that the VP is in 'charge of the Senate.'

Oct 23, 2008 / MSNBC

Obama the Philosopher Obama the Philosopher

Suddenly, Obama's making a pretty good case for why Americans should once again care for one another.

Oct 22, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Linda Hirshman

Against Obama Against Obama

Never has the dead hand of the past had a "reform" candidate so firmly by the windpipe.

Oct 22, 2008 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Obamalina Obamalina

North Carolinians have fallen, surprisingly for Obama. But how hard?

Oct 22, 2008 / Feature / Bob Moser

Olbermann Asks Is Palin Smarter Than a Third Grader? Olbermann Asks Is Palin Smarter Than a Third Grader?

After three months of campaigning, Sarah Palin still seems to have no clue what a vice president's duties actually are.

Oct 22, 2008 / Countdown

Jon Stewart Slams Palin’s ‘Real America’ Remark Jon Stewart Slams Palin’s ‘Real America’ Remark

Jon Stewart rips Sarah Palin and the McCain campaign's suggestion that only certain parts of the country are 'pro-American.'

Oct 21, 2008 / The Daily Show

Colin Powell on Why He Endorsed Obama Colin Powell on Why He Endorsed Obama

Colin Powell slams right-wing attacks on Obama's character and argues in a favor a generational change in the White House.

Oct 19, 2008 / Talking Points Memo

McCain on Letterman: ‘I Screwed Up’ McCain on Letterman: ‘I Screwed Up’

Keith Olbermann lauds Late Night host David Letterman for challenging McCain on his attack ads in a way that only he can.

Oct 17, 2008 / Countdown

Dr. Paulson’s Magic Potion Dr. Paulson’s Magic Potion

As Bush and Paulson throw money at the problem, Obama is moving rapidly to adapt to the crisis that awaits the next president.

Oct 16, 2008 / William Greider
