Oh, What a Lovely War! So? Oh, What a Lovely War! So?
Two outrageous statements by Bush and Cheney demonstrate their scorn and contempt for the American people and for the armed forces they command.
Apr 2, 2008 / Michael Takiff
Maybe One Cheer for Barack Obama Maybe One Cheer for Barack Obama
He's not a real fighter. He's too pretty and doesn't want to get his looks messed up.
Mar 27, 2008 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Progressives for Obama Progressives for Obama
The future has arrived: progressives can make a difference to ensure Barack Obama is our next President.
Mar 25, 2008 / Tom Hayden, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Fletcher Jr., and Danny Glover
For the ‘FDR’ For the ‘FDR’
The Bush Administration's solutions for the subprime mortgage crisis are too little, too late. Americans need a New Deal-style agency to manage domestic reconstruction.
Mar 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Rev. Jesse L. Jackson
Architect of War(s) Architect of War(s)
Dick Cheney's Mideast tour suggests another catastrophic military adventure in the Persian Gulf is still in the cards.
Mar 20, 2008 / Michael T. Klare
The Idiot’s Grin The Idiot’s Grin
Presiding over a disastrous war and an unconscionable taxpayer bailout of Wall Street, why is George W. Bush still smiling?
Mar 19, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer
Notes on a Scandal Notes on a Scandal
The Spitzer affair's obvious rationality continues to elude the therapists, sexperts and pundits for whom shame is the game.
Mar 17, 2008 / JoAnn Wypijewski
Obama, Politics and the Pulpit Obama, Politics and the Pulpit
The uproar over intemperate remarks by Obama's former pastor reveals all that's repellant in our national discourse over race, religion and politics.
Mar 17, 2008 / Feature / Chris Hayes
John Q. Public John Q. Public
Just once it would be nice to see a male politician caught in a sex scandal stand up there at a press conference all by himself.
Mar 13, 2008 / Column / Katha Pollitt
The Spitzer Sting The Spitzer Sting
Was there a medium-sized right-wing conspiracy to nail Eliot Spitzer?
Mar 13, 2008 / Column / Alexander Cockburn