Political Figures

The Believer The Believer

A reader knowing nothing of the 1990s might well come away from Sidney Blumenthal's lengthy account of The Clinton Wars with the impression that for eight years, Bill and Hilla...

Jun 5, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Tom Wicker

Local Heroes Local Heroes

Eight state legislators who are making a difference.

May 22, 2003 / Feature / John Nichols

Thoughts of Those Who Served in George W. Bush’s Air National Guard Unit Thoughts of Those Who Served in George W. Bush’s Air National Guard Unit

When he lands on the deck in his flight suit To impress all the sailors he's greeting, It looks grand, but there's one thing we're thinking:

May 22, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Left Coast Notes Left Coast Notes

Several staggered rows of grayish papier-mâum;ché headstones have sprouted on the grassy quad of Santa Monica College--the crown jewel of Southern California's once e...

May 9, 2003 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Dean’s No Wellstone Dean’s No Wellstone

Lately, presidential contender Howard Dean has been likening himself to the late Senator Paul Wellstone.

May 8, 2003 / Jim Farrell

Brezhnev, Bush and Baghdad Brezhnev, Bush and Baghdad

Many Russians who fled Brezhnev's USSR because they could not speak freely are in a state of shock in today's America. One is Roman Kaplan, an intellectual from Leningrad (now ...

May 5, 2003 / Feature / Nina Khrushcheva

Rumsfeld’s Untidy World Rumsfeld’s Untidy World

On April 11th--the day of the most widespread and uncontrolled looting in Iraq--Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld produced one of the more sour notes of the nascent postwar perio...

Apr 25, 2003 / Feature / Jonathan Miller

The Republican Party’s Goal Is to Destroy the Federal Government

The Republican Party’s Goal Is to Destroy the Federal Government The Republican Party’s Goal Is to Destroy the Federal Government

For years, their driving ambition has been to get government “down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.”  

Apr 24, 2003 / Feature / William Greider

Bush Goes AWOL Bush Goes AWOL

One of the many maddening feats of this Administration is that in choosing to fight the war on terror by going to war with Iraq, George W. Bush has inspired new terrorist threa...

Apr 17, 2003 / Column / Eric Alterman

History? What History? History? What History?

Allowing the looting of Iraq's museums is another indication of our contempt for the Mideast -- and our unfitness to rule it

Apr 16, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
