Political Figures

Connect the Enron Dots to Bush Connect the Enron Dots to Bush

The connections between Enron and the Bush administration run deep—and they should be investigated.

Dec 11, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer

No Finality Without Fairness No Finality Without Fairness

The US Supreme Court's stunning 5-4 stay Saturday of the Florida undervote count--less than 24 hours after the equally stunning Florida Supreme Court decision ordering that same...

Dec 9, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro

Wars Without End Wars Without End

Now that the Taliban is on the run, the 'war on terror' broadens its scope.

Dec 7, 2001 / Michael T. Klare

Chelsea in Oxford Chelsea in Oxford

Chelsea Clinton bristles at the antiwar movement while she attends Oxford.

Dec 4, 2001 / Feature / Daniel Swift

Times Cries Eke! Buries Al Gore Times Cries Eke! Buries Al Gore

Florida revisited: Schadenfreude amid the carnage of the democratic process.

Nov 29, 2001 / Feature / Gore Vidal

Freedom Is History (and Vice Versa) Freedom Is History (and Vice Versa)

George W. Bush, whose administration is addicted to secrecy, wants presidential papers classified indefinitely, not for the usual 12 years.

Nov 21, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman

Bush & Global Warming Bush & Global Warming

It's time for the United States to show as much commitment in the battle against global warming as it does in the "war on terror."

Nov 21, 2001 / Mark Hertsgaard

Uncle Ben Goes to War Uncle Ben Goes to War

The Bush administration is trying to win hearts and minds—through a carefully stage-managed media campaign.

Nov 15, 2001 / Michael Massing

Bush and the Butterflies Bush and the Butterflies

The contested presidential election is hard to sort out, but news outlets still try to proclaim unfounded 'facts.'

Nov 15, 2001 / David Corn

Bush’s Uzbek Bargain Bush’s Uzbek Bargain

After weeks of evasion and deflection, reminiscent of two illicit lovers keen to avoid scandal, the United States and Uzbekistan announced on October 12 that they had made a deal.

Oct 17, 2001 / Feature / Dilip Hiro
