Political Figures

Bush or Gore: Does It Matter? Bush or Gore: Does It Matter?

It has become fashionable of late to deny the relative importance of politics, on the one hand, and the fact of any important differences between Democrats and Republicans, on th...

Sep 28, 2000 / Feature / Eric Alterman

If Politics Got Real… If Politics Got Real…

To Nader or not to Nader, that is the question. A debate over whether Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader is a savior or a spoiler has raged for months among progressi...

Sep 28, 2000 / Rob Richie and Steven Hill

Newt, Still Newt, Still

When he was king, the Democrats Saw Newt as all that's rotten. Though he's long gone, they're making sure He doesn't get forgotten. On every ad, they talk of Newt's ...

Sep 28, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

‘Controlling Authority’ ‘Controlling Authority’

In campaign speeches George W. Bush repeats Al Gore's defense of his 1996 campaign fundraising phone calls from his government office--"there is no controlling legal authority"--...

Sep 28, 2000 / Robert L. Weinberg

Gore and His Reinventions Gore and His Reinventions

What an odd presidential race! So long as George W. Bush keeps his mouth shut and remains in seclusion he floats up in the polls. His best strategy would be to bag the debates, t...

Sep 28, 2000 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Holy Joe! A Culture War! Holy Joe! A Culture War!

Instead of kissing babies, this year the pols are bashing youth culture and the companies that promote it.

Sep 25, 2000 / The Editors

Why Dubya Can’t Read Why Dubya Can’t Read

The poor guy is obviously dyslexic, and dyslexic to the point of near-illiteracy.

Sep 24, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Christopher Hitchens

Presidential Politics, Cont’d., Cont’d. Presidential Politics, Cont’d., Cont’d.

I still think third-party politics is mostly a crock, but then, so is two-party politics.

Sep 24, 2000 / Column / Katha Pollitt

A Scientific Observation (Using Some Experts Gail Sheehy Didn’t Know About) on the Speaking Problems That Seem to Run in the Bush Family A Scientific Observation (Using Some Experts Gail Sheehy Didn’t Know About) on the Speaking Problems That Seem to Run in the Bush Family

He thinks that hostile's hostage. He cannot say subliminal. The way Bush treats the language Is bordering on criminal. His daddy had the problem: He used the nounless predicate. Those cowboy boots can do that To people from Connecticut.

Sep 24, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Latest Gore The Latest Gore

Talk about surprise Hollywood endings.

Aug 24, 2000 / David Corn
