Political Figures

A Scholarly Analysis of Dick Cheney’s Role in the George W. Bush Administration A Scholarly Analysis of Dick Cheney’s Role in the George W. Bush Administration

Though Bush the Elder was convinced His boy was now a man, he Decided, just to hedge his bet, To furnish him a nanny. Attentive parents always have A way of keeping tr...

Mar 8, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Charity for All Charity for All

President George W. Bush's effort to repeal the estate tax has revealed contradictions in the nonprofit sector and confusion about what it values and where it stands.

Mar 6, 2001 / Mark Rosenman

The Florida Fog The Florida Fog

The truth is out there--perhaps. During the postelection turmoil in Florida, Al Gore advocates prophesied that after the inauguration, journalists would descend on the disputed ba...

Mar 1, 2001 / David Corn

Bush’s Bogus Budget Bush’s Bogus Budget

The loudest applause during George W. Bush's first budget address to Congress--a thumping, shouting, jump-to-your-feet outpouring of enthusiasm--erupted in response to his first m...

Mar 1, 2001 / The Editors

The Pardoner’s Tale The Pardoner’s Tale

During his closing weeks in office, Bill Clinton refused a plea, signed by many leading lawyers and civil libertarians, that he declare a moratorium on capital punishment. The mora...

Mar 1, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Right With Bush Right With Bush

Every conservative is now a compassionate conservative. Well, most were at the recent annual Conservative Political Action Conference, which drew more than 3,000 right-wing acti...

Feb 23, 2001 / David Corn

Nader and the Politics of Fear Nader and the Politics of Fear

He and the Greens are both a problem and a possible asset for the Democrats.

Feb 23, 2001 / Feature / William Greider

Bush’s Nuclear Revival Bush’s Nuclear Revival

George W. Bush's mid-February directive ordering the Pentagon to review and restructure the US nuclear arsenal is a wake-up call for supporters of arms control and disarmament....

Feb 23, 2001 / William D. Hartung

Thomas Speaks! Thomas Speaks!

Back during the presidential campaign, George W. Bush called Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia his favorite Supreme Court Justices--a remark widely interpreted at the time as ...

Feb 23, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro

Bush’s Hit Man Bush’s Hit Man

GOP strategist Karl Rove and the politics of destruction.

Feb 15, 2001 / Feature / Lou Dubose
