Political Figures

Bush’s Global Warmers Bush’s Global Warmers

Four days after the press reported that he was about to cut climate-altering carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, George W. Bush caved in to the Neanderthal wing of the ...

Mar 22, 2001 / Ross Gelbspan

Taking Care of Business Taking Care of Business

The corporate class is flying high in Washington. With George W. Bush--CEO style and all--in the White House and the Republicans controlling Congress, the business community has b...

Mar 15, 2001 / The Editors

Mangler-in-Chief Mangler-in-Chief

Last month, the Boston Globe broke the amazing news that President George W. Bush is rapidly becoming the Pericles of modern politics.

Mar 13, 2001 / Ken Silverstein

Name the President! Name the President!

There were so many brilliant entries to our Name the President Contest that our judges were hard pressed to choose the winning five. (Up to the February 19 deadline the count was ...

Mar 8, 2001 / The Editors

A Scholarly Analysis of Dick Cheney’s Role in the George W. Bush Administration A Scholarly Analysis of Dick Cheney’s Role in the George W. Bush Administration

Though Bush the Elder was convinced His boy was now a man, he Decided, just to hedge his bet, To furnish him a nanny. Attentive parents always have A way of keeping tr...

Mar 8, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Charity for All Charity for All

President George W. Bush's effort to repeal the estate tax has revealed contradictions in the nonprofit sector and confusion about what it values and where it stands.

Mar 6, 2001 / Mark Rosenman

The Florida Fog The Florida Fog

The truth is out there--perhaps. During the postelection turmoil in Florida, Al Gore advocates prophesied that after the inauguration, journalists would descend on the disputed ba...

Mar 1, 2001 / David Corn

Bush’s Bogus Budget Bush’s Bogus Budget

The loudest applause during George W. Bush's first budget address to Congress--a thumping, shouting, jump-to-your-feet outpouring of enthusiasm--erupted in response to his first m...

Mar 1, 2001 / The Editors

The Pardoner’s Tale The Pardoner’s Tale

During his closing weeks in office, Bill Clinton refused a plea, signed by many leading lawyers and civil libertarians, that he declare a moratorium on capital punishment. The mora...

Mar 1, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Right With Bush Right With Bush

Every conservative is now a compassionate conservative. Well, most were at the recent annual Conservative Political Action Conference, which drew more than 3,000 right-wing acti...

Feb 23, 2001 / David Corn
