Hello Larry, Thanks! John Hello Larry, Thanks! John
After a bruising fight fopr the presidency, George W. Bush is stocking his cabinet with figures from the far right, none more so than John Ashcroft.
Jan 18, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt
None Dare Call It Treason None Dare Call It Treason
Five Supreme Court Justices are criminals in the truest sense of the word.
Jan 18, 2001 / Feature / Vincent Bugliosi
Pomp and Shame Pomp and Shame
The ascendency of George W. Bush to the presidency exposes stark dissatisfaction in the United States.
Jan 18, 2001 / The Editors
Deep in the Heart of Texas Deep in the Heart of Texas
George W. Bush's and Dick Cheney's 'hearts' are in the right place.
Jan 18, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
The Only King We Have Is Jesus The Only King We Have Is Jesus
(A newly unearthed gospel song credited to John Ashcroft) As I told the Bob Jones students, Seated white and black apart, This nation is unique, not like the rest. As I faced those godly youngsters, I told them from the heart Just why this land will always be the best: The only king we have is Jesus. And I feel blessed to bring that news. The only king we have is Jesus. I can't explain why we've got Jews. So because our king is Jesus, I'm often heard to say, Our kids should pray to Him each day in class. If some kids just stay silent, That's perfectly OK. But they'll all be given Jesus tests to pass. The only king we have is Jesus. That's the truth we all perceive. The only king we have is Jesus So Hindus may just have to leave. Now Jesus hates abortion, 'Cause Jesus loves all life. They call it choice; it's murder all the same. The killers must be punished-- The doctor, man and wife. We'll execute them all in Jesus' name. The only king we have is Jesus. It's Jesus who can keep us pure. The only king we have is Jesus. And He's Republican for sure. The homosexual lifestyle Could make our Jesus weep. He loathed their jokes about which cheek to turn. Yes, Jesus came to teach us With whom we're supposed to sleep. Ignore that and you'll go to Hell to burn. (Final chorus sung in tongues:) Tron smleck gha dreednus hoke b'loofnok Frak fag narst fag madoondah greeb. Tron smleck gha dreednus hoke b'loofnok Dar popish, flarge dyur darky, hebe.
Jan 18, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Did Ashcroft Take the Low Road on the Highroad? Did Ashcroft Take the Low Road on the Highroad?
When George W.
Jan 15, 2001 / Feature / David Corn and Dan Moldea
The Man From Elroy The Man From Elroy
To a degree that's hard to appreciate outside Wisconsin, Tommy Thompson's impending move to Washington to become Secretary of Health and Human Services will transform this state'...
Jan 12, 2001 / Feature / Joel Rogers
Treasury Nominee Paul O’Neill: Just in Time for Trouble Treasury Nominee Paul O’Neill: Just in Time for Trouble
Something doesn't add up about the new Treasury Secretary nominated by George W. Bush. The supply-side conservatives who live for more big tax cuts on capital and upper-bracket i...
Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / William Greider
The Three Horsemen The Three Horsemen
President-elect Bush's naming of former Colorado Attorney General Gale Norton as Interior Secretary and recently defeated Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham as Energy Secretary sug...
Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / David Helvarg
Whitman: A Toxic Choice Whitman: A Toxic Choice
When W. gave the nod to New Jersey Governor Christie Todd Whitman for the top EPA spot in his administration, the tone-deaf national press corps praised the appointment of a "mod...
Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / Doug Ireland