Running on Empty Running on Empty
Texas Observer editor Louis Dubose estimates that his property tax will decrease by $130 in the year 2000.
Apr 8, 1999 / Feature / Lou Dubose
All the President’s Man? All the President’s Man?
When Dick Morris announced that he would write a book to divert attention from his adventure with the toes of a call girl, George Stephanopoulos, the President's senior policy a...
Apr 1, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Stanley I. Kutler
The Clinton Doctrine The Clinton Doctrine
President Clinton's decision to use military force against the Serbs was not simply a calculated response to Slobodan Milosevic's intransigence.
Apr 1, 1999 / Michael T. Klare
If Poverty Is the Question… If Poverty Is the Question…
What does it mean to be poor in America? We can offer no single description of American poverty.
Apr 1, 1999 / Paul Wellstone
Srebrenica Revisited Srebrenica Revisited
During the Balkan war of 1912, Leon Trotsky was a war correspondent for a group of liberal Russian and Ukrainian newspapers.
Apr 1, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Kissinger and Pinochet Kissinger and Pinochet
Henry Kissinger, realpolitiker nonpareil, never gave a damn about human rights.
Mar 11, 1999 / Peter Kornbluh
Re: Juanita Broaddrick Re: Juanita Broaddrick
We will never know the truth behind Juanita Broaddrick's claim that Bill Clinton raped her in a Little Rock hotel room in l978.
Mar 4, 1999 / Katha Pollitt
How Hitchens Suckered Himself How Hitchens Suckered Himself
Amid the shifting sands of Christopher Hitchens's accounts of and apologias for his bearing witness (deemed false witness by the man he still insists on calling his friend) again...
Feb 18, 1999 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Clinton’s Choice Clinton’s Choice
With the impeachment slogfest over, Congressional Democrats, particularly the liberals, once again face the ever-aggravating matter of their thorny relationship with President C...
Feb 18, 1999 / David Corn

Smoke in Starr’s Chamber Smoke in Starr’s Chamber
This essay is adapted from Thomas Ferguson’s “Blowing Smoke: Who Wants Clinton Impeached And Why,” for American Democracy in the Twenty-First Century, edited by William Crotty.
Feb 18, 1999 / Feature / Thomas Ferguson