Political Figures

Trade war between the U.S. and China

The Biden Administration’s Kayfabe Cold War With China The Biden Administration’s Kayfabe Cold War With China

Though the president’s “pivot to Asia” amounts to little more than saber-rattling, the risks remain very real.

May 31, 2022 / Jeet Heer

Strong Voices

Strong Voices Strong Voices

Bloody shirts.

May 27, 2022 / Steve Brodner

Ted Cruz standing in front of American flag

Time to Put the “Good Guy With a Gun” Delusion Out of Its Misery Time to Put the “Good Guy With a Gun” Delusion Out of Its Misery

In the wake of the Uvalde massacre, political evasion and lying only get more desperate.

May 27, 2022 / Jeet Heer

Two congresspeople sit next to each other during President Biden's State of the Union address.

The Latest Act in New York’s Redistricting Circus Is a Killer The Latest Act in New York’s Redistricting Circus Is a Killer

For national Democrats counting on the state’s redistricting to help hold the House, the latest electoral maps, which pit progressives against each other in several districts, are ...

May 27, 2022 / Ross Barkan

Former DHS Security Secretary Michael Chertoff

Another Terrible Choice for Biden’s “Disinformation Board” Another Terrible Choice for Biden’s “Disinformation Board”

Michael Chertoff’s experience detaining Muslim Americans, justifying CIA torture, and helping to draft the Patriot Act make him an all-too-appropriate choice to advise this Orwelli...

May 27, 2022 / Lev Golinkin

Urvashi Vaid holds up a sign that says

Urvashi Vaid, 1958–2022 Urvashi Vaid, 1958–2022

Telling the truth, standing together, and fighting for liberation.

May 26, 2022 / Obituary / Laura Flanders

Hungarian Rhapsody: The Right Dreams of an “American Orbánism”

Hungarian Rhapsody: The Right Dreams of an “American Orbánism” Hungarian Rhapsody: The Right Dreams of an “American Orbánism”

Whether it’s a new variation of “the socialism of fools” or the same old fascist shell game, the Hungarian leader’s illiberal democracy has the American right under its spell.

May 23, 2022 / Jeet Heer

George W. Bush at a baseball game

George W. Bush Stumbles Into a Moment of Truth George W. Bush Stumbles Into a Moment of Truth

The former president’s gaffe reminds us that his launching of a criminal war still demands justice.

May 20, 2022 / Jeet Heer

Elise Stefanik’s Crocodile Tears Over the Buffalo Massacre

Elise Stefanik’s Crocodile Tears Over the Buffalo Massacre Elise Stefanik’s Crocodile Tears Over the Buffalo Massacre

Two opportunists demonstrate the triumph of Trumpist racism and conspiracy theories.

May 16, 2022 / Jeet Heer

Midge Decter speaking a lectern

Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach

The obituaries for the founding mother of neoconservatism fail to give a sense of how vile her opinions really were.

May 13, 2022 / Jeet Heer
