Political Ideologies

Trump Protest LAX

In the Long Run, Trump Could Be a Huge Setback for the Anti-Immigration Movement In the Long Run, Trump Could Be a Huge Setback for the Anti-Immigration Movement

He’s revealing the racism at the heart of the movement—and galvanizing Democratic activists to push their representatives hard on this issue.

Apr 5, 2018 / Joshua Holland

Is Dutch Bad Boy Thierry Baudet the New Face of the European Alt-Right?

Is Dutch Bad Boy Thierry Baudet the New Face of the European Alt-Right? Is Dutch Bad Boy Thierry Baudet the New Face of the European Alt-Right?

His apocalyptic rhetoric is a hit among voters anxious about national identity and suspicious of the EU.

Apr 5, 2018 / Feature / Sebastiaan Faber

Emma Gonzalez takes moment of silence at March for Our Lives

Why the Right Mocks the Parkland Survivors Why the Right Mocks the Parkland Survivors

The attacks on the Florida teens are designed to humiliate, threaten, and dehumanize.

Apr 5, 2018 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

stacey abrams

Here Are 10 Progressive Candidates We’re Keeping Our Eyes On for the Midterms Here Are 10 Progressive Candidates We’re Keeping Our Eyes On for the Midterms

All promise not just a change in party, but an end to status-quo politics.

Apr 5, 2018 / The Nation

Speaker Paul Ryan

Don’t Let Big and Dark Money ‘Drown Out the Truth and Drown Out Your Voice’ Don’t Let Big and Dark Money ‘Drown Out the Truth and Drown Out Your Voice’

The cost of elections today increases the power of the privileged few while diminishing that of working Americans and, as such, harms democracy itself.

Apr 3, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Introducing America’s Orange Monster: The Unbelievable Trump Introducing America’s Orange Monster: The Unbelievable Trump

Trump want smash!

Apr 3, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow

The Washington Monument and US Capitol silhouetted at dawn in Washington, DC.

Democrats Enlist to Serve, Protect, and Defend the Discredited Foreign-Policy Consensus Democrats Enlist to Serve, Protect, and Defend the Discredited Foreign-Policy Consensus

Meet the new Beltway group that seeks to protect and defend the bipartisan foreign-policy orthodoxy.

Apr 2, 2018 / James Carden

Can Five Stars Govern Italy?

Can Five Stars Govern Italy? Can Five Stars Govern Italy?

It lacks consistent policies, it contradicts itself in action, and its hands aren’t totally clean.

Apr 2, 2018 / Luca Manucci

Anti-Nuclear War Demonstration

Unproven Allegations Against Trump and Putin Are Risking Nuclear War Unproven Allegations Against Trump and Putin Are Risking Nuclear War

“Russiagate” and the Skirpal affair have escalated dangers inherent in the new Cold War beyond those of the preceding one.

Mar 28, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

A map showing the US empire in 1898

The Left’s Embrace of Empire The Left’s Embrace of Empire

The history of the left in the United States is a history of betrayal.

Mar 28, 2018 / Lyle Jeremy Rubin
