‘True the Vote’ Still Out to Screw the Vote ‘True the Vote’ Still Out to Screw the Vote
If so many people believe voter fraud exists, it’s because groups like this have spread myths while suppressing the truth.
May 1, 2012 / Brentin Mock
As His Austerity Agenda Melts Down, Scott Walker Blames Protests for Record Job Losses As His Austerity Agenda Melts Down, Scott Walker Blames Protests for Record Job Losses
Wisconsin's governor once warned against suggesting that protests and recalls were causing job losses. Now, as his own job is threatened, he says dissent is the problem.
Apr 30, 2012 / John Nichols
Scott Walker’s Austerity Agenda Yields ‘Worst Job Losses in US’ Scott Walker’s Austerity Agenda Yields ‘Worst Job Losses in US’
Walker’s Wisconsin is the only state in the United States with “statistically significant” job losses over the past year. Attacks on public employees, public educ...
Apr 27, 2012 / John Nichols
Paul Ryan’s Claim That His Budget Reflects Catholic Teaching Is ‘Nonsense’ Paul Ryan’s Claim That His Budget Reflects Catholic Teaching Is ‘Nonsense’
As the Budget Committee chairman delivers a major address at a Catholic university, Jesuits say, "your budget appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn R...
Apr 26, 2012 / John Nichols
A Fight Bigger Than ALEC A Fight Bigger Than ALEC
As campaigns against the right-wing group continue, we must fight its sabotaging of voting rights across the country.
Apr 25, 2012 / The Editors
Will People Power Defeat Scott Walker and His Cronies? Will People Power Defeat Scott Walker and His Cronies?
The protests in Wisconsin have inspired a new generation of candidates—and they’re winning.
Apr 25, 2012 / Feature / John Nichols
Did Romney Buy the GOP Nomination? Did Romney Buy the GOP Nomination?
Mitt’s opponents say he won only because he outspends everyone. It’s not that simple.
Apr 25, 2012 / Ben Adler
Mitthusiasm Gap: Obama’s Pennsylvania Primary Vote Far Exceeds Romney’s Total Mitthusiasm Gap: Obama’s Pennsylvania Primary Vote Far Exceeds Romney’s Total
Even though Republican primary races are the marquee contests, Obama’s Democratic primary vote totals have frequently beat Romney’s GOP numbers.
Apr 24, 2012 / John Nichols
The Vatican’s Latest Target in the War on Women: Nuns The Vatican’s Latest Target in the War on Women: Nuns
The bishops want to put a stop to the nuns’ focus on social justice. Thanks to their second-class status within the church, the nuns have little recourse.
Apr 24, 2012 / Norman Birnbaum
Newt’s Game Plan (Yes, He Has One) Newt’s Game Plan (Yes, He Has One)
Will Gingrich win Delaware? He’s winning local endorsements. I try to figure out why.
Apr 23, 2012 / Ben Adler