Political Ideologies

‘Right-Wing Nutters’ Threaten Global Economy, as IMF Warns of “Disastrous Consequences” ‘Right-Wing Nutters’ Threaten Global Economy, as IMF Warns of “Disastrous Consequences”

As global markets begin to stall because of GOP gamesmanship, the pointman on fiscal issues for Britain's conservative-led government warns that the extremists who are attacking th...

Jul 25, 2011 / John Nichols

Obama’s Compromising Stirs Talk of Dem Primary Challenge; Bernie Sanders Says It’s a ‘Good Idea’ Obama’s Compromising Stirs Talk of Dem Primary Challenge; Bernie Sanders Says It’s a ‘Good Idea’

New polling suggests liberal disapproval of Obama has spiked since he began talking of putting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security “on the table” in negotiations with GOP. Vermont ...

Jul 23, 2011 / John Nichols

‘Fresh Air’ Explores The Nation’s ‘ALEC Exposed’ Investigation ‘Fresh Air’ Explores The Nation’s ‘ALEC Exposed’ Investigation

The Nation's John Nichols joined NPR's Fresh Air this morning to explain how ALEC has driven conservative policy for years.

Jul 22, 2011 / Press Room

‘Fresh Air’ Explores The Nation’s ‘ALEC Exposed’ Investigation ‘Fresh Air’ Explores The Nation’s ‘ALEC Exposed’ Investigation

The Nation's John Nichols joined NPR's Fresh Air this morning to explain how ALEC has driven conservative policy for years.

Jul 22, 2011 / NPR

Why Moderate Republican Donors are Drawn to Chris Christie Why Moderate Republican Donors are Drawn to Chris Christie

Chris Christie is not a moderate, but some donors seem to think he is the only candidate who could unite the mainstream and Tea Party wings of the GOP.

Jul 22, 2011 / Ben Adler

As Wisconsin’s Anti-Labor GOP Governor Tanks in the Polls, Democrats Win First Recall Race As Wisconsin’s Anti-Labor GOP Governor Tanks in the Polls, Democrats Win First Recall Race

The first Democrat versus Republican recall election produces a big win for the Democrat. With his poll numbers in collapse, Governor Scott Walker's “charm offensive.”

Jul 20, 2011 / John Nichols

Bachmann’s Old Church Holds Anti-Catholic Views—Why Isn’t This Hurting Her? Bachmann’s Old Church Holds Anti-Catholic Views—Why Isn’t This Hurting Her?

Michele Bachmann’s former church contends that the pope is the Antichrist. Luckily for her, conservative Catholics and Protestants want to work together. 

Jul 20, 2011 / Ben Adler

Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Consider Massachusetts Senate Run Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Consider Massachusetts Senate Run

Massachusetts might well elect Warren to the Senate, where she could lead the fight for reform.

Jul 19, 2011 / John Nichols

Slide Show: 13 Republicans Too Radical For Their Constituents

Slide Show: 13 Republicans Too Radical For Their Constituents Slide Show: 13 Republicans Too Radical For Their Constituents

There’s no doubt voters were upset last November—frustrated by a poor economy and inaction from Washington, they sent a rebuke to the party in power. But was it an endo…

Jul 18, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation

Rupert Murdoch Has Gamed American Politics Every Bit as Thoroughly as Britain’s

Rupert Murdoch Has Gamed American Politics Every Bit as Thoroughly as Britain’s Rupert Murdoch Has Gamed American Politics Every Bit as Thoroughly as Britain’s

Members of Congress and federal regulators have bowed every bit as deeply before Murdoch as British officials. Don’t just investigate Murdoch's misdeeds, examine those of h...

Jul 16, 2011 / John Nichols
