Political Ideologies

Looking for Salvation in All the Wrong Places Looking for Salvation in All the Wrong Places

Progressive religious leaders should be sensitive to the danger that unexamined God-based public policy presents, whether it comes from the right or the left.

Apr 6, 2006 / Feature / Frances Kissling

Pledging Allegiance Pledging Allegiance

Todd Gitlin uses patriotism to wallop the radical left in The Intellectuals and the Flag.

Mar 2, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Lazare

Princeton Tilts Right Princeton Tilts Right

Robert George, the conservative movement's favorite professor, exerts his influence.

Feb 23, 2006 / Feature / Max Blumenthal

The New Face of the Campus Left The New Face of the Campus Left

Since the 1970s Republican conservatives have been the dominant political force on American campuses. But groups like Campus Progress, better groomed and better organized than thei...

Jan 26, 2006 / Feature / Sam Graham-Felsen

Rocking the House Rocking the House

The time is ripe for progressives to revitalize the state of our union: Americans are ready to undo the damage of the Bush era and turn to a just and peaceful future.

Jan 19, 2006 / The Editors

Newt’s New Con Newt’s New Con

No voice rings as hollow as Newt Gingrich's on the GOP culture of corruption. Incredibly, the media are swallowing his story.

Jan 12, 2006 / David Sirota

Shame of the Once-Young Republicans Shame of the Once-Young Republicans

What irony that Jack Abramoff and other once-young Republicans, who hectored their elders about defending the nation's taxpayers and security forces, should now be accused of deepl...

Jan 11, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer

Jack Gordon Jack Gordon

Jack Gordon, "the unabashedly liberal conscience of Florida's State Senate," was chosen majority leader at a time when his politics should have made him an anathema. His fight agai...

Jan 5, 2006 / Molly Ivins

The Case Against Alito The Case Against Alito

Samuel Alito would swing the Supreme Court to a right-wing authoritarianism that is out of step with the public and the Constitution.

Jan 5, 2006 / The Editors

A ‘Top Ten’ List of Bold Ideas A ‘Top Ten’ List of Bold Ideas

To take back the nation in the post-Bush era, start thinking now about some bold but plausible progressive reforms, from universal health insurance to free daycare and a shorter wo...

Jan 4, 2006 / Feature / Gar Alperovitz and Thad Williamson
