Political Ideologies

Winning Politics Winning Politics

The elections of 2000--resulting in the election of George W. Bush to the presidency, a historic 50-50 split in the Senate and a reduced Republican margin in the House--have supp...

Feb 1, 2001 / Paul Wellstone

Which Way W.? Which Way W.?

As the proverbial curtain rises on the Bush era in national politics, it's hard to know just how pessimistic progressives should be about the new President's aims and intentions....

Jan 26, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman

Southern Comfort Southern Comfort

The likely Bush cabinet will have some who have shown sympathy for the Southern Confederacy—a disturbing trend in the late twentieth century.

Jan 18, 2001 / Eric Foner

George Bush’s Democrats George Bush’s Democrats

Who are George Bush's bipartisan Democrats?

Jan 5, 2001 / Feature / Jesse Jackson Jr.

Spoil Bush’s Party Spoil Bush’s Party

Mandate or no, George W. Bush is forging ahead with Cabinet appointments, policy forums and talk of a "first 100 days." Bush and his team have assembled a Cabinet faster than any...

Jan 5, 2001 / The Editors

Happy New Year Happy New Year

A cold snowy start to the new year, the first day of the new millennium. Not the fun one with champagne at the Pyramids and the all-night, round-the-globe pseudoprofundities and ...

Jan 5, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Daniel Singer Daniel Singer

Death came as a release for Daniel Singer on December 2, but we feel like protesting its rude intrusion.

Dec 7, 2000 / The Editors

Vesuvius Vesuvius

Whoever wins the legal battles over the election, and with them the presidency, recent events will cast a long shadow over American political life in the years ahead. For the fir...

Nov 30, 2000 / Jonathan Schell

Liberalism: In Search Of Liberalism: In Search Of

A half-century after the appearance of The Vital Center, Arthur Schlesinger Jr.'s spirited political polemic, we have more than sufficient cause to meditate on what might be called...

Nov 27, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Paul Buhle

Nader: Fast in the Stretch Nader: Fast in the Stretch

Ralph really ran. Against the record of his own faux campaign of 1996, against the expectations even of friends who said he lacked the candidate gene and against the calculations...

Nov 2, 2000 / John Nichols
