Left-Right Bedfellows Left-Right Bedfellows
"We are the evil empire.
Jun 10, 1999 / Benjamin Schwarz
Media Matters Media Matters
"Politics and language," explains the dust jacket on the latest edition of Safire's New Political Dictionary, are "William Safire's two great and abiding interests." True, but to...
Jun 3, 1999 / Column / David Sarasohn
Port Huron Piffle Port Huron Piffle
Tom Hayden's editorial essay ["The Liberals' Folly," May 24] was an offense to reason and an offense to principle. Why don't I begin with the principle?
May 27, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
The Liberals’ Folly The Liberals’ Folly
Liberals in the Democratic Party should withdraw their support for the Kosovo war. So should the Democratic Party.
May 6, 1999 / Tom Hayden
Another Candidate Announces Another Candidate Announces
Republicans seem rather sour About the run of Gary Bauer. But Democrats are glad to greet The one opponent Gore might beat.
Apr 29, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
$1 Billion for Conservative Ideas $1 Billion for Conservative Ideas
Last year the Heritage Foundation celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary.
Apr 8, 1999 / Feature / David Callahan
Political Chapter, Bible Verse Political Chapter, Bible Verse
After writing this, her fourth book on the Christian right, Sara Diamond donated fourteen years' worth of research--right-wing pamphlets, fliers and position papers--to the Unive...
Apr 8, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Abby Scher
Enter Mrs. Dole Enter Mrs. Dole
Elizabeth Dole is all perfection. She shoots one take, without exception. She drives her staff so no step's spared To get an ad-libbed speech prepared.
Mar 18, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Tilting at Rumor Mills Tilting at Rumor Mills
Now that the Constitution has been rescued and sexual McCarthyism discredited, perhaps the most durable legacy of the Lewinsky mess is the central location of the right-wing sl...
Feb 25, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman
The Price of Vigilance The Price of Vigilance
Good Christian kids must study Tinky Winky To try to catch him doing something kinky.
Feb 18, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin