My Lost Weekend My Lost Weekend
By the time we got to firing off the water-cooled, tripod-mounted, 30-caliber machine gun at the NRA-run Ben Avery gun range a half-hour north of here on the Saturday after ...
Jan 14, 1999 / Feature / Marc Cooper
Republic on Trial Republic on Trial
The most astonishing thing about the farcical and disgraceful--but extremely dangerous--impeachment proceedings in Washington is that they are happening at all. The country is at p...
Jan 14, 1999 / Jonathan Schell
Heart of Whiteness Heart of Whiteness
Milton Friedman, Gary Bauer, William F. Buckley. Could we ask more of a cruise?
Oct 6, 1997 / Eric Alterman

William F. Buckley Lived Off Evil As Mold Lives Off Garbage William F. Buckley Lived Off Evil As Mold Lives Off Garbage
A not-too-fond remembrance of “Squire Willie,” patron saint of post-World War II American conservatism.
Jun 11, 1988 / Robert Sherrill

Requiem for the American Empire Requiem for the American Empire
“Empires are restless organisms. They must constantly renew themselves; should an empire start leaking energy, it will die.”
Jan 11, 1986 / Gore Vidal

The Rise of Ronald Reagan The Rise of Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was born in 1911 in rural Illinois.
Jul 19, 1980 / Feature / E.L. Doctorow

A Spartacan Manifesto A Spartacan Manifesto
Shortly after the murders of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, The Nation published the manifesto of the German Spartacists, a group the pair co-founded to incite a Marxist revol...
Mar 8, 1919 / Clara Zetkin, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and Franz Mehring