
The Fact-Checker Follies, Continued The Fact-Checker Follies, Continued

Poltifact misses it big by discluding Mitt Romney's "47 percent" comments from its "Lies of the Year" list.

Dec 10, 2012 / Eric Alterman

The GOP’s New Voter Suppression Strategy: Gerrymander the Electoral College The GOP’s New Voter Suppression Strategy: Gerrymander the Electoral College

Republicans are supporting a change to the Electoral College that would’ve put Mitt Romney in the White House.

Dec 10, 2012 / Ari Berman

Tapping E-mail List, Obama Hammers GOP on Taxes and Discharge Tapping E-mail List, Obama Hammers GOP on Taxes and Discharge

The election is over, but President Obama is already tapping his campaign e-mail list to press Republcans into a tax retreat.

Dec 10, 2012 / Ari Melber

Dear Conservatives: Your Opposition to Family Planning Comes with a Huge Price Tag

Dear Conservatives: Your Opposition to Family Planning Comes with a Huge Price Tag Dear Conservatives: Your Opposition to Family Planning Comes with a Huge Price Tag

You can save the babies or you can save the budget, but you can’t do both.

Dec 10, 2012 / Bryce Covert

‘Lincoln,’ Thaddeus Stevens and Why American Politics Still Needs Radicals

‘Lincoln,’ Thaddeus Stevens and Why American Politics Still Needs Radicals ‘Lincoln,’ Thaddeus Stevens and Why American Politics Still Needs Radicals

Both Lincoln and The Nation’s 1860s editors underestimated radicals’ contributions to abolitionism.

Dec 10, 2012 / Richard Kreitner

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Power Play The Muslim Brotherhood’s Power Play

Anything that Obama does will make it worse.

Dec 10, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Election Is Over, but the Voting Rights Fight Is in Full Swing The Election Is Over, but the Voting Rights Fight Is in Full Swing

The biggest challenge voting rights advocates face right now is keeping people engaged without the spotlight of a presidential election.

Dec 10, 2012 / Aura Bogado and Voting Rights Watch

Homeland’s Anti-Drone Message Hits Obama at Home

Homeland’s Anti-Drone Message Hits Obama at Home Homeland’s Anti-Drone Message Hits Obama at Home

One of Obama’s favorite TV shows warns him directly against the terror of drones.

Dec 10, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Leslie Savan

Thousands Are Expected to Protest Anti-Worker Legislation in Michigan

Thousands Are Expected to Protest Anti-Worker Legislation in Michigan Thousands Are Expected to Protest Anti-Worker Legislation in Michigan

Union activists are traveling to Lansing to speak out against the “right to work” legislation that would silence Michigan workers.

Dec 10, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny

Pro–’Right to Work’ Groups In Michigan Outspend Union Counterparts

Pro–’Right to Work’ Groups In Michigan Outspend Union Counterparts Pro–’Right to Work’ Groups In Michigan Outspend Union Counterparts

Right-wing donors have lavishly funded "right to work” advocacy groups in Michigan. 

Dec 8, 2012 / Lee Fang
