GOP Senator Says Palin Lacks Leadership Qualities and ‘Intellectual Curiosity’ GOP Senator Says Palin Lacks Leadership Qualities and ‘Intellectual Curiosity’
Murkowski brings up the unspoken concern among those who know about Palin best: The former governor might not be the sharpest tack in the box.
Nov 17, 2010 / John Nichols
Use Your Executive Authority, President Obama Use Your Executive Authority, President Obama
According to the Center for American Progress, the president has the power to use executive orders, rulemaking and diplomacy to further a progressive agenda without ever consulting...
Nov 16, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Pelosi’s Real Leadership Challenge: Sorting Out the Charlie Rangel Ethics Mess Pelosi’s Real Leadership Challenge: Sorting Out the Charlie Rangel Ethics Mess
The Speaker will remain Democratic leader. Now she is going to have to take the lead in sorting out the Congressional response to the messy case of a veteran Democrat.
Nov 16, 2010 / John Nichols
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell—Anyone, Anywhere Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell—Anyone, Anywhere
Even proponents of repeal assume that DADT only interferes with the ability of gay servicemembers to serve openly, leaving them to conduct their private lives in, well, private. We...
Nov 16, 2010 / Daniel Redman and Ilona Turner
A Split in the GOP? A Tea Party Third Party? John McCain Says It Could Happen A Split in the GOP? A Tea Party Third Party? John McCain Says It Could Happen
The party's 2008 presidential nominee stokes talk of a GOP split.
Nov 16, 2010 / John Nichols
The Royal Wedding and the Torture Payout The Royal Wedding and the Torture Payout
As news of UK government cuts come daily, what could be a better moment to announce a royal wedding?
Nov 16, 2010 / Maria Margaronis
Young Voter Turnout Fell 60% from 2008 to 2010; Dems Won’t Win in 2012 If the Trend Continues Young Voter Turnout Fell 60% from 2008 to 2010; Dems Won’t Win in 2012 If the Trend Continues
Turnout among young voters collapsed from 2008 to 2010. Democrats need to read the figures, stop whining and start getting serious about the youth vote.
Nov 16, 2010 / John Nichols
Bernie Sanders’s Progressive Plan to Balance Budgets, Defeat Deficits and Avert Austerity Bernie Sanders’s Progressive Plan to Balance Budgets, Defeat Deficits and Avert Austerity
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is ready to fight for a progressive alternative to proposals to slash Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Nov 15, 2010 / John Nichols
Not an ‘Option’ But a Necessity: Investigate, Document and Censure Bush’s Wrongdoing Not an ‘Option’ But a Necessity: Investigate, Document and Censure Bush’s Wrongdoing
The ACLU and the Alliance for Justice are right: the Justice Department must respond to the former president's admitted violations of laws banning torture. But it should not s...
Nov 15, 2010 / John Nichols
Obama’s Asia Trip: Not Only About Currency and Trade Obama’s Asia Trip: Not Only About Currency and Trade
Obama's Asia trip was declared a failure, but that's an oversimplification: it was also a chance for the US to reconnect with India and Indonesia, and there Obama did well.
Nov 15, 2010 / Barbara Crossette