
The Grinches Who Stole Summer

The Grinches Who Stole Summer The Grinches Who Stole Summer

With their lock-step vote against extending unemployment benefits, the Republicans are indelibly marked as not only heartless but also frivolous.

Jul 21, 2010 / Robert Scheer

After She Shakes Up Another Primary, It’s Time for a Sarah Palin Rethink

After She Shakes Up Another Primary, It’s Time for a Sarah Palin Rethink After She Shakes Up Another Primary, It’s Time for a Sarah Palin Rethink

Palin's influence on the Republican primaries of 2010 suggests that she is the most influential player in the GOP and perhaps the party's best-positioned 2012 contender. Just look ...

Jul 21, 2010 / John Nichols

If Kagan’s So Scary, How Come Lindsey Graham Supports Her Confirmation? If Kagan’s So Scary, How Come Lindsey Graham Supports Her Confirmation?

Obama's Supreme Court nominee advances from Judiciary Committee with backing of Democrats and a conservative Republican -- South Carolina's Lindsey Graham -- and the virtual certai...

Jul 21, 2010 / John Nichols

Top Secret: Privatizing Fails Top Secret: Privatizing Fails

Talk about a Race to the Top. While deficit hawks obsess over spending for some, private security companies, private spies, and private armies have gotten there.

Jul 20, 2010 / Laura Flanders

The Case For Elizabeth Warren The Case For Elizabeth Warren

As the bankers and corporate lobbyists fight to diminish new financial regulation, Elizabeth Warren—leading activist and thinker in favor of reform—should be the top co...

Jul 20, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Rachel Maddow Misses Cronkite Moment in Afghanistan Rachel Maddow Misses Cronkite Moment in Afghanistan

Rachel Maddow today is less bold on Afghanistan than Walter Cronkite was 32 years ago on Vietnam, even though the CBS anchor was the far more mainstream of the two.

Jul 20, 2010 / Tom Hayden

Briefing: Greg Mitchell on America’s Massive Intelligence Apparatus Briefing: Greg Mitchell on America’s Massive Intelligence Apparatus

How was America's hidden intelligence infrastructure allowed to grow so large while other social programs whithered?

Jul 19, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

Palin’s Tweets Cause a Stir Palin’s Tweets Cause a Stir

At this point, Sarah Palin is just another member of the media. 

Jul 19, 2010 / Press Room

Another Unelected Senator, Another Blow to Representative Democracy Another Unelected Senator, Another Blow to Representative Democracy

West Virginia's new senator got no votes from the people, just an appointment from his former boss -- the government. Yet, he will vote on every major issue facing the country for ...

Jul 19, 2010 / John Nichols

Briefing: JoAnn Wypijewski on the Republicans’ Negativity Briefing: JoAnn Wypijewski on the Republicans’ Negativity

The Nation's JoAnn Wypijewski on how many Americans feel unable to defend themselves against catastrophes from foreclosures to job loss to the BP oil spill—but unlike during...

Jul 16, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
