Why 62 Million Bleeding Heart Liberals Back Health Care Reform Why 62 Million Bleeding Heart Liberals Back Health Care Reform
A remarkable new survey asks Americans to explain their health care position in their own words, and the visuals are revealing.
Mar 16, 2010 / Ari Melber
Obama Gathers Leaders at Healthcare Summit Obama Gathers Leaders at Healthcare Summit
On February 25, twenty-one Congressional leaders and top committee members debated controlling costs, insurance reform, and expanding coverage at President Obama's highly anticipated bipartisan healthcare summit.
Mar 16, 2010 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Dodd’s Not-Independent Consumer Watchdog Dodd’s Not-Independent Consumer Watchdog
Dodd's bill puts a strong cop on the beat. But the same regulators who've already failed us would look over its shoulder.
Mar 15, 2010 / Kai Wright
Savvy Dems Reject GOP ‘Advice’ on Health Reform Savvy Dems Reject GOP ‘Advice’ on Health Reform
Why do Republicans keep telling Democrats not to back reform? Could it be because they've read the polls that showing doing so will help Democrats?
Mar 15, 2010 / John Nichols
There’s No ‘Compromise’ Protection Against Predators There’s No ‘Compromise’ Protection Against Predators
Good riddance to the Senate's bipartisan effort to build a weak Consumer Financial Protection Agency.
Mar 14, 2010 / Kai Wright
Comrade Limbaugh Hails the Genius of Socialized Medicine Comrade Limbaugh Hails the Genius of Socialized Medicine
And why not? His favored national health care system, Costa Rica's, ranks higher than the U.S. system and delivers longer life expectancy.
Mar 14, 2010 / John Nichols
The Breakdown: How Does Incumbency Affect Elections? The Breakdown: How Does Incumbency Affect Elections?
If incumbents are running scared, what does that mean for the phenomenon of the incumbency effect?
Mar 12, 2010 / Chris Hayes
White House: By March 21, Health Reform Will Be ‘Law of the Land’ White House: By March 21, Health Reform Will Be ‘Law of the Land’
On or near the 18th, there will be House and Senate votes. There may be a White House bill signing, or two. And Obama is going to be central to the process.
Mar 12, 2010 / John Nichols
Supreme Power Supreme Power
Chief Justice Roberts's disapproval of Obama's criticism of the Citizen's United ruling recalls FDR's Supreme Court conflict, recounted in Jeff Shesol's new Supreme Power.
Mar 12, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Aren’t We Cheneyed Out Yet? Aren’t We Cheneyed Out Yet?
At what point do we call them the family of mass intimidation and simply stop playing into the Cheney clan's tired old terror tactics?
Mar 12, 2010 / Laura Flanders