After Bayh, Less Bipartisanship Needed After Bayh, Less Bipartisanship Needed
So Evan Bayh, the Senate's poster boy for bipartisanship, is, in the immortal words of the Jackson 5, "goin' back to Indiana." The senator explains, "There is too mu...
Feb 16, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Four Plans to Finish Off the Filibuster Four Plans to Finish Off the Filibuster
Nation DC Editor Christopher Hayes discusses the ways that Democrats could get rid of the filibuster.
Feb 16, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Senator Mellencamp? Senator Mellencamp?
The guy who put populist politics on the charts with a song title "Pink Houses" John Mellencamp performed at the White House last week, as part of a program titled: "...
Feb 16, 2010 / Books & the Arts / John Nichols
Bye Bayh Bye Bayh
The headlines announcing Indiana Senator Evan Bayh's surprise decision to retire after his current term declare that the loss of this particular incumbent represents "a huge b...
Feb 15, 2010 / John Nichols
Dick Cheney: Gay Rights Champion Dick Cheney: Gay Rights Champion
Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who has never been as comfortable fighting the culture wars as most conservatives, has endorsed the repeal of the Pentagon's failed "Don't A...
Feb 14, 2010 / John Nichols
Justice at Last? Justice at Last?
Justice may finally be imaginable for Edna Glover and her family. The charred remains of her son Henry were discovered in the burnt hulk of a car on a levee overlooking the Mississ...
Feb 13, 2010 / Esther Kaplan
Around The Nation Around The Nation
The Nation is excited to announce that our March 8th issue (which goes live at next Thursday) marks the debut of Melissa Harris-Lacewell's new column, Sister Citizen....
Feb 13, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Slacker Friday Slacker Friday
Zinn-ophobia at NPR, Alzheimer's and sports.
Feb 12, 2010 / Eric Alterman
The New Deal in Reverse The New Deal in Reverse
How could Barack Obama have ended up, one year later, where Franklin Delano Roosevelt began?
Feb 12, 2010 / Feature / Steve Fraser
A Radio Tour of Tea Party Nation A Radio Tour of Tea Party Nation
Gary Younge hits the road to understand how local opposition to President Obama explains a growing national movement.
Feb 12, 2010 / Gary Younge