The Breakdown: Spending Freeze Edition The Breakdown: Spending Freeze Edition
The Obama Administration has announced a plan to reduce the budget deficit through a three-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending. What are possible long-term effects?
Jan 29, 2010 / Chris Hayes
Obama’s “Eager to See” Better Approach on Health Reform? O.K. Obama’s “Eager to See” Better Approach on Health Reform? O.K.
President Obama renewed his call for health-care reform in his first State of the Union address but, as has been the case from the start of the current debate over how to get more ...
Jan 28, 2010 / John Nichols
Understanding Massachusetts Understanding Massachusetts
The Bay State election results are a chapter in a story that predates Obama's presidency.
Jan 28, 2010 / Feature / Jonathan Schell
Corpus Ex Machina Corpus Ex Machina
Citizens United raises the questions: why is speech the functional equivalent of money, and why are corporations considered persons?
Jan 28, 2010 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Political Fever Political Fever
Since recent shock waves of populism, Obama has made some bigger promises.
Jan 28, 2010 / William Greider
A Cold Day in Washington A Cold Day in Washington
A freeze on discretionary spending may poll well, but it endorses ignorance of how the federal government spends its money.
Jan 28, 2010 / Chris Hayes
Democracy Inc. Democracy Inc.
The Citizens United campaign finance decision makes it possible for the nation's most powerful economic interests to manipulate not just individual electoral contests but political...
Jan 28, 2010 / The Editors
Governor Meg Whitman? Governor Meg Whitman?
Katrina vanden Heuvel sits on a panel questioning GOP frontrunner, Meg Whitman, on her bid for California's gubernatorial seat.
Jan 28, 2010 / MSNBC
Extracting Recovery, Too? Extracting Recovery, Too?
Yesterday it was security, today's it's recovery: another nifty, ubiquitous word that means a whole lot of different things to different people.
Jan 28, 2010 / Laura Flanders
SOTU as National Rorschach Test SOTU as National Rorschach Test
A contemporary State of the Union address is less an assessment of our national circumstances than it is a collective Rorschach test: an inkblot given meaning by the viewer more th...
Jan 28, 2010 / Melissa Harris-Perry