Why Is the CIA Keeping Cheney’s Secrets? Why Is the CIA Keeping Cheney’s Secrets?
The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel talks about the need for information about the torture, warrantless wiretapping and secret programs of the Bush era.
Jul 15, 2009 / The Ed Show
Palin Abandons Alaska and the Facts Palin Abandons Alaska and the Facts
The Nation's Chris Hayes on Sarah Palin's wildly inaccurate recent op-ed in the Washington Post on cap-and-trade legislation.
Jul 15, 2009 / Countdown
Obama in Africa: A Major Disappointment Obama in Africa: A Major Disappointment
Just because President Obama possesses African heritage doesn't mean he couldn't learn a thing or two about the continent's history.
Jul 13, 2009 / Gerald Caplan
The Balance Begins to Tip Against Cheney The Balance Begins to Tip Against Cheney
With new revelations about the former veep ordering the CIA to lie to Congress, Democrats finally start talking about an investigation that could hold him to account.
Jul 13, 2009 / Feature / John Nichols
New Evidence Surfaces in Post-Katrina Crimes New Evidence Surfaces in Post-Katrina Crimes
Television news reports are casting new light on the violence that flourished in New Orleans in the anarchic days after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Jul 11, 2009 / Feature / A.C. Thompson
Will Palin Still Run for President in 2012? Will Palin Still Run for President in 2012?
The Nation's John Nichols on how Sarah Palin's resignation will or won't affect her 2012 presidential prospects.
Jul 10, 2009 / The Ed Show
Max Baucus’s Party? Max Baucus’s Party?
The Republicans may now be "the party of no," but it remains to be seen who exactly the Democrats are.
Jul 10, 2009 / Greg Kaufmann
Slide Show: The Sarah Palin Saga Slide Show: The Sarah Palin Saga
A look back at The Nation's coverage of the Republican governor's shocking rise and possible premature fall in national politics.
Jul 7, 2009 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Is Sarah Palin’s Political Career Over? Is Sarah Palin’s Political Career Over?
The Nation's Chris Hayes reflects on Sarah Palin's premature departure from Alaska and Tea Party politics.
Jul 7, 2009 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Does a Democratic Majority Matter? Does a Democratic Majority Matter?
Nation contributing writer Bob Moser discusses the new 60-vote Democratic majority featuring Minnesota's finally seated Al Franken.
Jul 6, 2009 / GRITtv