Benazir Bhutto: An Age of Hope Is Over Benazir Bhutto: An Age of Hope Is Over
As the world mourns the loss of Benazir Bhutto, it would be myopic to focus only on Islamic-inspired violence and on Pakistan. For all of post-independence history, South Asia has ...
Dec 27, 2007 / Feature / Barbara Crossette
Wide Stance Wide Stance
Meet California Congresswoman Cynthia Kang, a woman of considerable political ambition, and some secrets. Episode 1 of an ongoing online political mystery.
Dec 27, 2007 / Feature / Gary Phillips
Too Much of a Bad Thing Too Much of a Bad Thing
Hillary Clinton's touting her expertise over Obama--but is experience at political attack, mega-fundraising and cronyism really all that desirable?
Dec 21, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
South Carolina: Inside the ‘Black Primary’ South Carolina: Inside the ‘Black Primary’
As Clinton and Obama square off in South Carolina, a window opens on the fractured state of black politics. It's been an extended soul search. And it ain't over yet.
A Hoax Exposed at Princeton A Hoax Exposed at Princeton
When a strait-laced Princeton student claimed he was attacked by liberal thugs, the conservative establishment rallied around him--until it turned out to be a lie.
Dec 18, 2007 / Feature / Max Blumenthal
Campaign in the City: Boston Mayor Tom Menino Campaign in the City: Boston Mayor Tom Menino
"Because Washington has no urban agenda, the cities in this country are doing poorly. Unemployment is up. Faith in the economy has gone down. Crime has gone up."
Dec 14, 2007 / The Nation Video
Campaign in the City: Rochester Mayor Bob Duffy Campaign in the City: Rochester Mayor Bob Duffy
"Our cities across this country are proud. They have a great history. But like a boxer, they've taken one knee, and they have to bring themselves back."
Dec 14, 2007 / The Nation Video
Campaign in the City: Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon Campaign in the City: Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon
"I want to see one of the candidates come up with a comprehensive plan to eliminate the tide of drugs coming into our country. I mean, we have wars here in our city."
Dec 14, 2007 / The Nation Video and MayorTV
Campaign in the City: Miami Mayor Manny Diaz Campaign in the City: Miami Mayor Manny Diaz
"The media and pollsters don't focus on urban issues. They focus on the war, abortion, gay rights -- things that, quite frankly, for those of us in the trenches, are not exactly th...
Dec 14, 2007 / The Nation Video
Campaign in the City: Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin Campaign in the City: Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin
"Water is my top 10 priorities. Or top 20"
Dec 14, 2007 / The Nation Video