
Preparing for the Inevitable Preparing for the Inevitable

The San Diego wildfires should prompt political candidates to address the fact that communities across America are ill-equipped to deal with natural and unnatural disasters.

Nov 3, 2007 / Donald Cohen

San Francisco No Longer Sweat-Free San Francisco No Longer Sweat-Free

The city has backed away from its longstanding commitment to avoid procuring city workers' garments from offshore sweatshops.

Nov 3, 2007 / Feature / Tom Hayden

The Great Debate of 2008 The Great Debate of 2008

The time is right for a Great Debate on America's purpose and place in the world. But neither Republicans nor Democrats seem up to the task.

Nov 1, 2007 / Feature / Jerry W. Sanders

Why We Need International Law Why We Need International Law

It's time to undo the damage and reaffirm America's historical commitment to international law.

Nov 1, 2007 / Feature / Oona A. Hathaway

Relearning the Art of Diplomacy Relearning the Art of Diplomacy

Most candidates have no idea what it involves.

Nov 1, 2007 / Feature / Anatol Lieven

Jobs, Justice and Democracy Jobs, Justice and Democracy

Mideast policy must include development.

Nov 1, 2007 / Feature / Afshin Molavi

Facing Hamas and Hezbollah Facing Hamas and Hezbollah

US diplomacy in the Middle East has been held hostage by a refusal to engage with these two popular movements.

Nov 1, 2007 / Feature / Helena Cobban

Combating Muslim Extremism Combating Muslim Extremism

American politicians should stop implying that Muslim nations and individuals are more dangerous than any other group of human beings. They should also stop calling their religion ...

Nov 1, 2007 / Feature / Juan Cole

The Iranian Challenge The Iranian Challenge

To change Iran's behavior, we must first change our own.

Nov 1, 2007 / Feature / Trita Parsi

Avoiding the Toughness Trap Avoiding the Toughness Trap

Candidates should rethink their commitment to outmoded security tools and veiled nuclear threats against nonnuclear states.

Nov 1, 2007 / Feature / William D. Hartung
