Big $$ for Progressive Politics Big $$ for Progressive Politics
The Democracy Alliance is taking a page from the conservative Republican playbook by funding ideas instead of candidates. If only its leaders could agree on what those ideas are.
Sep 28, 2006 / Feature / Ari Berman
The FCC Scandal The FCC Scandal
It's official: Revelations that the FCC suppressed reports on the danger of media consolidation prove the agency is overwhelmingly biased in favor of big media.
Sep 28, 2006 / John Nichols
Iraq and Reality Iraq and Reality
Throughout the Iraq debacle, intelligence and analysis have not mattered to the Bush Administration. The White House will continue to duck reality all the way to election day.
Sep 28, 2006 / The Editors
Get Me Rewrite Get Me Rewrite
Bill Clinton maintains that the mainstream media has misrepresented his record on fighting terror. But it will take a generation to meaningfully assess his effectiveness.
Sep 26, 2006 / Mark Updegrove
A Distinct Lack of Intelligence A Distinct Lack of Intelligence
If George W. Bush took the latest National Intelligence Estimate seriously, he would end the ineffectual "war on terror" model and treat terrorism as a pathology to be clinically ...
Sep 26, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
Senate Vote Advances President’s Effort to Kill War Crimes Act Senate Vote Advances President’s Effort to Kill War Crimes Act
The 109th Congress, led by Republican Senators McCain, Warner, and Graham and with the acquiescence of many Democrats, is poised to legalize torture, trials with secret evidence, ...
Sep 22, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith
War Signals? War Signals?
As a strike group of six US Naval vessels prepares to deploy to the Persian Gulf, wary critics of the Bush Administration and some members of the military are raising flags that an...
Sep 21, 2006 / Feature / Dave Lindorff
Single-Issue Solipsism Single-Issue Solipsism
NARAL ProChoice America wants its sisters in Connecticut to support Joe Lieberman. Are they out of their minds?
Sep 21, 2006 / Column / Katha Pollitt
George W. Bush and Some Republican Senators Discuss the Geneva Conventions George W. Bush and Some Republican Senators Discuss the Geneva Conventions
The Decider takes on that bothersome Constitution and that meddling Congress.
Sep 21, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Growing Wage Gap The Growing Wage Gap
A winning economic strategy for Democrats: Push for realistic policies to relieve workers' frustrations, rebuild their damaged confidence and improve lifetime security.
Sep 21, 2006 / Jeff Madrick