
Shame of the Once-Young Republicans Shame of the Once-Young Republicans

What irony that Jack Abramoff and other once-young Republicans, who hectored their elders about defending the nation's taxpayers and security forces, should now be accused of deepl...

Jan 11, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer

Credibility Gap Credibility Gap

A significant credibility gap opened between Samuel Alito's radical judicial record and his self-portrayal as an open-minded jurist before the Senate Judiciary Committee on his se...

Jan 11, 2006 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

Biography as Destiny Biography as Destiny

On his first day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Samuel Alito was purely political, focusing on his blue-collar roots and the accomplishments of his immigrant f...

Jan 10, 2006 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

The Limits of Power: Questions for Alito The Limits of Power: Questions for Alito

Revelations of the Bush Administration's domestic spying program have sharply shifted the focus of Samuel Alito's Supreme Court confirmation hearings from domestic and social issue...

Jan 6, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith

Do the Crime, Do No Time Do the Crime, Do No Time

There ought to be a law about bribery in America, but there isn't--not a real one. Bribery is so central to our political culture that it's virtually impossible that any politician...

Jan 6, 2006 / Nicholas von Hoffman

The President’s Measured Response to Criticism of His Secret Domestic Spying Operation The President’s Measured Response to Criticism of His Secret Domestic Spying Operation

Since I am Commander in Chief, My powers to spy or debrief Are limitless. That's my belief. So go somewhere else with your beef.

Jan 5, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Jack Gordon Jack Gordon

Jack Gordon, "the unabashedly liberal conscience of Florida's State Senate," was chosen majority leader at a time when his politics should have made him an anathema. His fight agai...

Jan 5, 2006 / Molly Ivins

Ruling Class Warriors Ruling Class Warriors

House Republicans rammed through a budget bill in December that cuts $40 billion from domestic programs. Is there anyone of conscience in the Senate to defeat this?

Jan 5, 2006 / Eyal Press

The Case Against Alito The Case Against Alito

Samuel Alito would swing the Supreme Court to a right-wing authoritarianism that is out of step with the public and the Constitution.

Jan 5, 2006 / The Editors

A ‘Top Ten’ List of Bold Ideas A ‘Top Ten’ List of Bold Ideas

To take back the nation in the post-Bush era, start thinking now about some bold but plausible progressive reforms, from universal health insurance to free daycare and a shorter wo...

Jan 4, 2006 / Feature / Gar Alperovitz and Thad Williamson
